Chapter 6 -Worried Sick

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Niall's P.O.V.

I had to do it. For some unknown reason I feel responsible for this girl, and I couldn't let her go out there. I couldn't let her leave again. As soon as the curly blond haired lady said Carly's name, I jumped up from my seat and pushed passed the line of girls ignoring their screams as I ran by. When I saw her leaving the hotel I had to stop her. So here I am, grasping her wrist, holding her back.

I don't know what came over me. I hadn't even known this girl for a whole day. In fact, I don't even know if I can say I do know her. I shouldn't even be with this girl. I hardly even know her. I hadn't even known she existed before I ran into her at breakfast yesterday.  But I really am here, with her, holding her in my grasp. She is probably so scared. Why wouldn't she be? I haven't even known her for a full twenty-four hours and I'm already chasing after her. 

"Let go of me!" she yells jerking her wrist out of my grasp and snapping me out of my thoughts. She grabs her suitcases and runs in the opposite direction of the hotel. "Wait!" I yell chasing after her. I catch up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. All the fans and paps had caught up to us. "Please. Let me make this up to you." I say in almost a whisper so no one else heard, but I know she heard me.

She reaches over, brushing my hand off her shoulder, turning away to go. "No, Niall I can't. I have to go." "Please," I try, grabbing her hand again and speaking as softly as possible, "I'll take you away from this, I'll get you back to your normal life. They won't remember this," I say motioning to the paps,  "I'll do whatever I can to make them forget about you. Just let me take you home and you can forget about me." I notice tears brimming in her eyes. She just shakes her head, running off, turning into an alley. 

Carly's P.O.V.

No way. There is no way I'm going back to Niall. He was the one that caused all of this. Well maybe it was me since I was the one that accepted his food offer in the first place. But come on, I was starving and he had pushed me down by accident and wasted all my food. But it was his fault. It had to be. I can't even think about blaming myself for all this. If I hadn't met Niall I wouldn't have been in the paparazzi, I wouldn't have been here crying, and I probably would be back home living the horrible life I've hated since I can remember.

Yes. I would've gone back home if I hadn't met Niall. But now there is no way I can because my mom would hate me even more than she does now, she would've been all I told you so, and I probably would never be allowed to leave my house again other than to go to a stupid all girl school. So I guess I should thank Niall for making me decide to not go back home so I wouldn't have to go back to that awful life. But then again, I am here in an alley crying my eyes out just because of stupid paparazzi.

Gosh why is paparazzi making me cry so much? I swear I haven't cried in like nine years but now the tears are flowing like crazy and it's all because of that dang paparazzi. I slide down the wall of the alley and pull my knees up to my chest in the same position I had been in with Niall yesterday. Except this time, Niall isn't here to comfort me. His arms aren't around me squeezing me tight and protecting me. I'm just here alone, on the hard floor of the alley, crying, crying and crying. But I should be glad that he isn't here, shouldn't I? He is the one who caused all this, and I know he didn't mean to cause any harm, but he did. As much as I would love to look into his dazzling blue eyes right now and feel all the stress in my mind melt away, I need to remember he is the reason I'm here. But it's just so hard to be mad at him. 

 Well apparently the paparazzi had given up on me and so had Niall, because I no longer hear any shouting or see any lights flashing. Great. Now all I need to do is get up, find a place to live, get a job, and some money. Oh gosh, that's gonna be hard. I only have about two hundred dollars and that's not gonna last me a lifetime of going to hotels and buying food. Shoot. That won't even last a week. Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into?

Niall's P.O.V.

"Carly!" I scream starting to run after her. Before I even go five steps I feel two arms on each of mine holding me back. "C'mon, buddy." Harry says trying to keep me back. I struggle as hard as I can trying to break free of Harry and Liam's grasps. Deciding I can't do it, I let my body go limp and let them drag me back to the hotel. "It'll be OK, Nialler." Liam says sitting me back down in my chair. "She'll be fine; she can take care of herself."

No. She can't. I think to myself. I guess I shouldn't be assuming things about her, but it just seems like this is all too much for her. The way she looked at me with fear and tears in her eyes. The way she didn't hesitate to get away from me. She was scared and I know it. She's never been in a situation like this. I don't know why, but I feel like I know everything about her. I felt like that as soon as I looked into her brilliant blue eyes. The first time I looked into them, I felt like I knew everything about her. Like I had known her forever even though I had met her only a few minutes before I looked into her eyes.

"She won't be OK." I mumble talking to no one in particular.  They are all standing around me looking at me with worried expressions. "Niall, you don't even know the girl. I'm sure she knew what was coming as soon as she left her home." Zayn says resting his hand on my shoulder. "No she didn't know what was coming!" I shout staring into the older boy's eyes, defending the girl I hardly knew. Now im standing and my fists are clenched by my side. "She had no idea that I would come along and ruin her whole life! She's out there all by herself and it's all my fault!" "Niall, it isn't your fault. She would've been all by herself either way. She was the one that chose to run away, all alone. Just relax," Zayn says slowly pushing me back down into my chair, "Let's just finish up the signing and we'll talk about this later."

The doors are opened again and we sign about two hundred more copies of our photo before every girl has left and we are alone in the room. I sigh, sinking back into my chair and running my hand through my hair. The whole time Carly had been on my mind and I have just been worried sick about her. I pull my phone out and decide to check twitter, just to try to get my mind off of her. It doesn't work. There are about thirty tweets to me about Carly and I, asking how I knew her and if she was my girlfriend. Deciding not to respond to anything, I exit twitter and slide my phone back into my pocket, running my hand through my hair again. "Hey Nialler, why don't we go get some Nandos?" Louis says placing his hand on my knee. I instantly perk up and jump out of my chair. "Yeah buddy!" Louis laughs, slinging an arm around my shoulder and walking outside, following the other guys. 


"Louis, give it back that's not funny!" I shout reaching over trying to grab my fork. "How am I supposed to eat this delicious food without my fork?" I say stretching further to grab the fork. "I don't know." Louis says leaning in close and stabbing a piece of my chicken with the fork. "Don't you dare." I warn watching him bring the food closer to his mouth. "Woops, there it goes!" he says after shoving it into his mouth and pulling the fork out. "LOUIS!!!" I yell snatching the fork and punching him in the shoulder. "Ow!" he yells rubbing his shoulder and faking the pain. "Oh shut up that didn't hurt." I snap before shoving many pieces of chicken into my mouth.

"Somebody's in a mood." Harry says smirking at me. My mind instantly flickers to Carly. "Shut up." I say shoving more chicken into my mouth. "Come on, now tell us what was up with that little scene with Carly back at the hotel." he says raising his eyebrows. "It's nothing." I say shoving more chicken into my mouth. "Aww come on, Nialler, you can tell us. What's going on in that little leprechaun brain of yours?" Louis says poking me in the head.

I sigh. "Nothing, I'm just worried about her." "You hardly even know her though, mate," Zayn states. "I know, I just feel responsible for her and guilty that I brought all this stuff on to her. I've ruined her life. I don't wanna talk about it anymore." I finish looking down at my empty plate. "OK, Nialler but you know you can always talk to us about these things, right?" Louis says with a serious expression on his face. "Ya, we've got your back, mate." Liam says looking up from his phone but quickly looking back down. "Ya, I know," I start. "Thanks guys."

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