Chapter 4 -The Girl on the News

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Author's Note: Hey sorry I never got to write I was sorta busy. I hope you like this chapter thanks for reading and don't be shy please comment and fan and stuff:) Thank you!

Carly's P.O.V.

I wake up and roll over pulling the covers over my face, blocking out the blinding sunshine. After finally deciding I can't fall back asleep I push the covers out and sit up against the headboard, realizing I had fallen asleep with the T.V. still on. I look at the T.V. and see the mid-morning news on. There is a video of a strangely familiar blond boy pulling a girl through the streets of London. I gasp quickly realizing that girl is me. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I grab the remote and turn up the volume. Listening to the broadcaster talk about Niall being chased through London holding the hand of a girl it all comes back to me. Yesterday. Meeting Niall at McDonald's, being chased into an alley by paparazzi, going to Niall's house and leaving him after his four band mates introduced themselves to me.

I couldn't handle it all. So much had happened in just a few hours and my hate for London had already increased greatly. After a couple hours of searching for somewhere to go my option was to get a hotel room. I could only afford to stay one night so I have quite a day ahead of me.  

Watching the news, I see many pictures of me yesterday being on the ground, bloody lip and all, and some of Niall searching the crowds frantically for me. They even showed one video of Niall screaming my name and mumbling something about how he wouldn't be able to live with himself with tears and fear in his eyes. Great, now London knows my name. I'm sure he wasn't afraid of the crowds. He was probably afraid that I would be hurt. 

I shut the T.V. off after glaring at the broadcaster who I knew couldn't see me. I am purely annoyed and angry at Niall for dragging me into this, and mad that I even had to be here. I probably shouldn't be that mad at Niall considering it wasn't his fault I got into this but I couldn't help but blame him. After getting up from the hotel bed, I go into the bathroom and examine my lip and and bruised jaw. My lip still had a nasty gash and it hurt really bad. My jaw was a lightish blue color and it hurt to put the slightest touch to it.

After examining my injuries I look at  my eye makeup which had been smeared down my cheeks and smudged all around my eyes. Since I was so tired last night, I hadn't bothered to clean up and I had just gone to bed in my clothes. After closing the bathroom door, I turned the shower on and stripped down before stepping into the warm water. I wash my hair and my body, making sure all the dry blood was off of my lip and chin. 

I step out of the shower and wrap a creme towel around my body after ringing my hair out. I walk into the one roomed hotel room and pull out a black flowy top and some white shorts from one of my suitcases. After changing I walk over to the mirror and dry my hair letting it flow down with it's natural brunette waves. I take my makeup bag out and apply my usual foundation and light brown blush, making sure the light blue bruise on my jaw was concealed. I sweep my eyelids with a smokey grey eyeshadow and a small amount of eyeliner. After brushing a few coats of mascara on I decide to not bother with lip gloss or anything because of the gash in my lip. 

After putting my makeup bag back into my suitcase, I take my cell phone off of the bedside table and unlock it. 5 missed calls, 5 voice mails, 10 messages. All the voice mails and missed calls were my mom and six of the messages were her and two of them were my dad and two were Katelyn. After letting out a groan I listen to the voice mails which all said things like, Where have you gone young lady you better be back here soon, and If you don't call back I'm calling the cops and I'm going to make them find you. Ya. Like I care.

The messages from my mom were all the same and my dad was just making sure I was safe and asking me where I went off to. I didn't mind my dad that much. I mean it was his fault we moved here and I still hate him for that but I like how he doesn't care that I'm gone he just cares that I'm safe. Dad has always been sort of carefree with what I did and he knows I am basically an adult now and I respect him for that. He knows that I can take care of myself and that I am a strong girl.

Lastly I opened the messages from Katelyn. The first one said, "Hey I'm just making sure you are OK your mom called me asking if I knew where you were and she said you weren't there so I got scared. I know you can take care of yourself I'm just worried." I smiled when I read this. She always respected that I could do things myself but she was always there for me when I needed her. The next one says, "Oh my gosh I saw the news you were with NIALL HORAN?!?! How could you not tell me this? Are you OK? What is going on? Eeeek!" I rolled my eyes at her excitedness and simply replied, "I'll call you later." I really wasn't in the mood for talking to her.

After packing the rest of my stuff into my suitcases I trudged over to the door, suitcases trailing behind me. I flung the door open and walked over to the elevator and pressed the 'DOWN' button. As I waited for the elevator to come, a girl that looked about thirteen walked up to me. "Hey you're that girl that was on the news!" she yells pointing a finger at me. Right after that her mom comes over and apologizes taking the girl back into their room while she talked about me and Niall. OK...that was kinda weird. I walk into the empty elevator after it opens for me. When I step out into the lobby all I see are lots of flashing lights and people firing questions at me.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Carly! Carly!" I yell while shoving my way through the crowds. "Niall!! Niall!!" she screams even louder than me. After shoving through many more people I see Carly on the ground with blood dripping from her mouth. "Carly!" I yell again. After shoving through one more person I see a fist coming straight for my face.

"Carly!" I shout shooting up into a sitting position in my bed. I feel my heart beating right up against my chest and my breathing is loud and fast. I am really hot and now I'm sweating. "Niall get up you lazy bum we've been shouting to you for ten minutes now." I hear Harry shout. He walks in fiddling with the top button of his plaid shirt. "Woah you don't look so good, did you just run a marathon or something?" he says after glancing up at me. "I'm fine." I mumble as I push the covers away and pull on a blue polo shirt and some tan chinos. "Why do you ask?" I say trying to sound as casual as possible while tying up my white trainers. "Well you're all sweaty and your face is red." he states. "Oh's just a bit hot in here, that's all." He opens his mouth to speak again but closes it deciding to let the subject drop. "Alright then just hurry up we are leaving for the signing in five." he says giving me an odd look before leaving the room. I plop down onto my bed and put my head in my hands.

What was that dream all about? Did that really even happen? And why was I yelling Car- I instantly remember. Running into Carly yesterday at McDonald's, losing her in the crowds of paparazzi, bringing her back home only for her to leave without even saying goodbye. I must admit, I was pretty hurt when I came back outside to find that she had left. She didn't even give it a try. I guess I did kind of rush things. She was probably just scared. Why did the guys have to overwhelm her so much? What did I do to make her leave? I don't know what it is, but there is something about this girl that made me happy. But then she just leaves me. I just hope she is safe wherever she went. 

"Niall! Niall!" I snap out of my thoughts and turn my head to see Liam. "Did you even hear anything I just said?" "What? Oh no umm...sorry I was just umm..." "It doesn't matter we have to go!" he shouts while running over and pulling me up from the bed. We walk out of the flat and climb into the limo where the rest of the guys were already sitting. 

I look out the window thinking about Carly while the other guys just laughed and goofed off. Darn I'm thinking about Carly again. I just need to accept that she doesn't want to be with me or any of the other guys. "Niall what's up with you? You aren't being yourself." Liam says snapping me out of my thoughts yet again. "He's just depressed because Carly left." Harry answers giving a pout face and nudging me lightly in the ribs. "Shut up." I mumble looking down at my lap. "Aww does Nialler have a little crushy on Carly?" Louis says in a baby voice leaning into me. "No I don't. I barely even know her!" I denied giving Louis a death glare. "OK whatever you say," he says putting his hands up by his head, smiling, "Whatever you say." 

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