Chapter 8 -Superman

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Niall's P.O.V.

I stand there in shock. I stare at Carly's lifeless body, laying on the ground. The poor girl lay with blood trickling down the back of her head, the side of her face, and her reopened gash in her lip. I lean down beside her and brush a few strands of hair away from her face, revealing the the cut beside her eye which is spilling out blood. 

"You guys, we need to take her to a hospital." I say still looking into Carly's face. I must say even with the blood trickling down her face, she looked beautiful. I slide my arms underneath her back and slowly lift her up, cradling her in my arms. Her frail body is very light. "Louis, could you grab her suitcases right there? Oh and her phone on the ground." I say pointing to the suitcases and the Iphone.

"Come on," I say walking towards the van. They follow me in silence. "Harry, open the door, will ya?" Harry walks over and opens the door and holds it open for us. "Liam, why don't you and Zayn go in first, then she can lay across us." I say nodding my head towards the door. "Alright." Liam says while climbing into the car before Zayn. I slide in slowly with Carly still in my arms and lay her across Liam, Zayn and I with her head on my lap. Louis climbs into the driver's seat and Harry in the passenger's. 

The drive to the hospital took about ten minutes. When we arrived, Harry climbed out of the passenger seat and helped me carry Carly out of the car. We walked into the hospital and I stayed next to Harry who was holding Carly the whole way inside.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the lady at the front desk asked, looking over her glasses. She looked to be a middle aged woman and her hair was pulled back into a tight bun. "Yes, uh...well she was attacked in an alley and she is unconscious. She is bleeding near her eye, the back of her head, and her lip." Harry explained while gesturing towards Carly. "Alright we'll have a nurse take her to a room." she answers. 

Soon a nurse comes over and we walk with her as Harry still holds her into a hospital room. Harry lays her down on the bed and steps back. "I'm sorry, but you boys will have to leave while we inspect the injuries. You may go out those doors and sit in the waiting chairs." the nurse with wavy blond hair said. "OK thanks." Liam says. We walk out the doors and sit in the chairs. I notice my leg is shaking like crazy. Dang this girl is getting me really worked up. I am really scared for her though.

"You guys can come in now. She's not awake so please be quiet." the nurse says while holding the door open. I shoot up from my chair and zoom into the room. I quickly go in and sit on the chair beside Carly's bed. I hear the other guys whispering to each other and one of them snickering before they walked in and sat in the chairs beside me.

Carly's P.O.V.

"Ouch that looks painful."

"How long will she be asleep?"

"Niall stop your worrying."

"Ya she's fine. She looks tough."

"I'm worried, guys."

I heard many voices speaking around me. It took me a second to notice the splitting headache I had. I keep my eyes closed and listen to the voices of different guys surround me. Each time the would say a word my headache would get worse, the volume seemed to be shooting through my ears and exploding in my head. I think there's about four guys around me, maybe five. I don't know their voices keep getting mixed up in my aching head. I shift my position and turn my head to the side before quickly moving back to the previous position, for the new position hurt my head even more. 

"Guys, guys I think she's awake!"

"Oooo guys listen to how excited Nialler is." 

"Shut up, Harry."

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