Chapter 7 -Sad Memories and Dark Alleys

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Carly's P.O.V.

After about a half hour of crying in the alley I stand up and grab my suitcases. Wiping the smudged makeup off of my face, I trudge out of the alley and turn the corner. Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I stop at the crosswalk waiting to go. No new messages. No missed calls. Nothing. It's 1:00. So I better find a place to stay tonight soon.

When the crosswalk flashes 'GO' I walk through, avoiding the many rushing Londoners. When I get to the end of the crosswalk, I hear a low sound that sounded sorta like a dying whale. I look down and frown at my empty stomach. Shoot I hadn't gotten any breakfast at the hotel and I can't afford any lunch. I'll just wait for dinner. Ya. That will be fine. I can survive on one meal a day. 

After about five more minutes of walking, I notice a small park. It's pretty simple. The playground consisted of two small slides, one set of monkey bars, and a set of two swings. There was a small red see-saw off to the side and a little section of red benches on a square of concrete. There aren't very many people here. Two little boys were swinging on the swings, their parents pushing them, and a little girl that looked about two sitting in the sand and throwing it in the air. 

I walk over to the benches and sit down, setting my suitcases off to the side. I watch the small family playing around happily for a while. I felt a little jolt of  pain shoot from my chest to my throat. They look so happy. I wish my family was like that. I've always wanted a little brother or sister. My childhood is such a blur though. Not many happy memories to recall and no friends I played with.

My parents were always busy with work leaving me with my nanny who I called Kiki. Her real name was Kiana and she was Hawaiian. She was so much fun. I guess I have her to remember. We never got to do anything too fun, but every Friday night she would take me out to eat ice cream and we would come back late at night, playing around, giggling, watching movies and playing board games. I guess to most people that doesn't sound very fun, but she was the only one I had that really loved me. My parents hired her when I was four and Kiki was eighteen. Once my mom had gotten her job as a lawyer, she was either locked in her room doing paperwork or in court doing a trial. She never had time for me so she hired Kiki.

Kiki lived with us until I was ten. I remember the day she moved so well. She was only twenty-four when she left me. I don't know why she left. I thought she loved me and cared for me. She had even gotten paid a considerate amount of money for taking care of me. I just remember waking up one day and running into Kiki's room full of excitement for a new day, but when I had opened the door, the room was empty. Her bed was untouched and neatly made, her closet was empty, and all the posters and pictures she had in the room were gone. There was one picture in a brown frame sitting on top of her pillow. I remember running over to the bed, and hugging the picture like it was my key to survival. There was a small letter written on the back of the frame in white Sharpie. I remember the note clearly in my head like it was sitting right in front of me. It read: Thanks for the best six years of my life. I will always remember you and love you. You are such a great girl and a bundle of joy. I hope you will hold our happy memories in your heart like I am. I love you forever and always, Carly. Love, Kiki.

 I remember the day she left was one of the saddest days of my life. I had grown to love her like she was family. I had loved her more than my mom. She was the one I told all my secrets to, played with, laughed with, had serious conversations with, had goofy conversations with, and she was the only person I ever trusted. I loved her so much. When I saw that note my heart was filled with love, hate, and confusion. I never knew why she left me and I still don't know to this day. I tried to believe everyday that she would come back, but I knew deep inside that she never would. She had probably forgotten about me. I just wish she would've told me why she left.

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