Chapter 24 -Growing Suspicious

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Zayn's P.O.V.

It was about twelve twenty when I woke up. It was the hot and sticky sweat that clung to my forehead that jerked me from my sleep. I found myself breathing heavily and my duvet was balled up in my fists. The nightmare flashed in my mind in bits and pieces. Niall and Carly. Niall and Carly. Niall and Carly. That's all there was. Many different scenes of the two of them laughing together, hugging each other, and whispering to each other. It seemed as if everything they did was to just get me all the more jealous and angry. Why couldn't I be that guy? The guy who ran into Carly at McDonald's on a random day. The guy who could always be there to comfort her when she was upset. Why couldn't I be the guy that she loved? It is clear as day that Carly loves Niall, there is no denying it. I just wish she could look at me the same way she looks at him, but right now, she won't even look at me.

After about ten minutes of just laying there, I decide to get a drink of water. I probably won't be able to fall back asleep tonight. I sigh as I strip the covers off of my body and climb out of bed. I could hear the faint clicking of china from the kitchen telling me one of the guys was up. Or possibly Katelyn. It was probably Louis though. I glanced in the mirror and noticed how my eyes were all red and I had dark circles under them. Oh my. I ran a hand through my hair and rubbed my eyes before trudging out of the room. I could hear one voice in the kitchen as I neared the door. It sounded like Katelyn but it might have been Carly. I hoped it wasn't Carly. That would just be awkward. Suddenly I could hear another voice speaking. It was and Irish accent. The only Irish lad I knew was Niall. So, Niall is in there, with either Katelyn or Carly. I couldn't help but wish it was Katelyn, however selfish that was. Concluding I couldn't just stand there and listen to their muffled voices, I placed a hand on the door to open it.

"Niall is that you?" I question even though I already knew it was him. When I pushed the door open I  instantly froze when I saw them. Niall's hands were placed on her hips and hers were around his neck. They had just obviously pulled away from a kiss, and they both reluctantly looked over at me. The were both soaking wet, they had obviously just been out in the rain. Carly instantly pulls her hands away from Niall but he keeps his hands firmly on her hips. She places her hands over his and pushes his hands away, leaving Niall with a confused look on his face. 

I swallowed and felt the color drain from my face. I couldn't bring myself to look away from Carly. She looked guilty for some reason. Why would she be guilty? She bit down on her lip and it seemed like if she bit any harder she would draw blood. The tea kettle whistled, causing Carly to flip around with a thankful look on her face and flick off the heat. Niall just stood there seeming very confused. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. 

"Zayn, what's up mate?" Niall asks in a casual manner. I dragged my gaze away from Carly who was  now pouring two cups of tea, trying to act as if this was an everyday occurrence. Niall had a calm look on his face, and he kept glancing at Carly who refused to make eye contact with either of us. After a few seconds of stalling and shifting my weight between my feet, I realized I had to reply to Niall's oh-so-casual question. 

"Erm..." was all I managed to get out as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. "I was doesn't matter. I'll just...I'm just gonna go back to bed." I say shaking my head and already turning to leave. Wow, Zayn. Way to act casual. I quickly pushed the door open and could hear Niall quietly saying something to Carly as the door swung back and forth before coming to a complete stop and closing in place. I shook my head as I ran my hand through my hair and walking back to my room. 

"Zayn! Zayn wait up!" I stopped with my hand on the doorknob and turned to see Niall. I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows waiting exptectantly for him to say something. "I wanted to tell you something." he says and I watch a few drips of water fall off his hair and down his face.

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