Bumbleebee x Female!Reader (1/2)

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Based from TFP series

"Free Car Wash!"

It's not like you wanted to be here. Honestly, you didn't. But your (relative of some sort) was doing a car wash for their fund raising and you couldn't say no to those eyes. So here you were, in your yellow bikini, washing cars. Looking back, you should have realized they only wanted your help to attract the guys. Or gay girls.

Either would work.

You were waiting with the rest of the people who were dragged into the fund raising, mindlessly filling up buckets to wash the cars. Suddenly a black and yellow car, you didn't know the model, pulled up. You glanced around, but everyone was looking at you to go talk to them. You groaned before setting down your water bucket, walking towards the passengers side.

You looked in, expecting someone in the drivers seat, but saw a younger boy with wild ginger hair. You furrowed your brows in confusion before they widened at the empty drivers seat. The kid was way too young to drive, so where did the driver go.

He must of noticed your shocked face and started to stutter out an excuse. "I-It's a self-driving car! My--uh--parents cant pick me up after s-school so they b-bought me this." You gave an uncertain look, but nodded anyways. The less questions the better.

"So, you want a car wash?" At his nervous nod, you held out your hand. "That'll be five dollars, then." He dug through his pockets for a second before pulling out the green piece of paper. You smiled at him thankfully and gripped the money in your hand. "Next up, a car wash!" You called to the people behind you. Some nodded and began preparing the water buckets and soap. You stepped back and you heard the kid start to mutter to himself, but ignored it. One thing you've learned today was to not question the people who come through, even if they were kinda weird.

Someone handed you a bucket of water with a sponge. You thanked them before handing them the five dollars, pulling the bucket closer to the car. You picked up the sponge and began to gently scrub at the hood, being mindful of the custom paint job. After you scrubbed everywhere you could reach, the car quietly vibrating under your fingers with small shudders every once in a while. After a few moments you heard shrill beeping sound that sounded almost embarrassed. The tones the beeps were in reminded you of a moan, but you couldn't be sure. When you glanced up from the side doors, you saw the kid looking severely awkward.

From behind you you heard the horn of a car, and turned around to get a better look. You saw a bulky green car with a teenage girl in the passenger seat. The girl had black hair with a pink stripe in the front. She was waving her hands before she cupped them around her mouth to yell something, but before she could something wrapped around her mouth and pulled her back. You were slightly concerned, but continued to work on the car. You were scrubbing away at all the dust that had collected in the car's crevasses, and were confused when the car made a loud vroom noise.

You glanced up before blocking it out, making your way to the back of the car. When you began to wash away any dirt with the sponge, the car drive forwards a few inches and made a shocked sound out of beeps. You, severely confused at this point, just slowly crept forwards and continued to scrub around the licences plate. You finished the back and worked on the trunk next, feeling the car shudder again. Now slightly scared, making you frustrated since it was literally just a car, you began to frown a bit.

You pulled away and moved to the last side of the car, scrubbing the door's clean before going back with a towel to dry everything off so there wouldn't be dry spots. Once you were done, you stepped back and waved off the car, watching it drive away.

For some reason your chest hurt watching that car drive away, and you weren't sure why. It was like watching a family member going off to war, being left behind and not sure if you'll ever see them again.

But why did you feel this way? It was a car for crying out loud! Nothing sentimental about that at all.

And it definitely was not sentient either

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