Predaking x Predacon!Autobot!Reader (1/2)

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Requested by Miko_Nakadai
Based off of TFP
Kind of OOC I'm sorry. Predaking also hasn't transformed yet, but pretend he was named anyways. Thanks.


The Autobots were supposed to just scout out a recently found energon mine when Bulkhead was caught by the vehicons. The wrecker called in for backup and got the rest of the Autobot team to help take over the mine. After thirty minutes of fighting, the field had very few vehicons left and was outnumbered by the Autobots now. Right before the last one was about to go offline, a ground bridge opened up on the other side of the mine and Megatron himself walked out, with Starscream and Predaking at his heels.

Although Megatron doesn't have heels, Starscream does.

Megatron simply smiled evilly before simply pointing at the Autobots, sending the previously extinct beast after them.

Optimus Prime backed up as his team took on Predaking bravely. He commed Ratchet and gave him instructions on what to do. His voice was slightly concerned for his teammates and nervous from what he was planning.

"Ratchet, send in the weapon."

"But Optimus, she's not ready yet! She's only ever practiced against us and—" Ratchet was cut off.

"Send her in, Ratchet."

"Yes, sir."

Not long after that, another groundbridge opened up and a loud roar was heard. A predacon roar.

A (color) and (second color) predacon flew out of the swirling vortex. Flashing your wings in a standoff-ish way, you roared again as you landed in front of the Autobots. Predaking stared at you with shock and amazement in his eyes. He suddenly crouched down to fight you, but instinct took over at seeing a femme predacon. He was an unmated alpha, and from your scent, you were unmated too.

Now it was time to woo you.

He quickly jumped up and lifted off the ground in search of energon. Not the crappy energon behind him. Nonono, that wouldn't do. You were a pretty femme; you needed decretive energon. As he took off you quickly helped the Autobots finish off the rest of the Decepticons. Once they retreated, you quickly went up on a cliff that could fit you and Predaking and sat there. Waiting.

"(Y/N)?" Wheeljack called up to you. "Girlie, what are ya doin' up there?"

You looked down at your favorite Autobot before looking back up to the sky. An alpha was courting you, you couldn't just leave. You might as well be signing your will if you do that.

Wheeljack looked up at you curiously before climbing up after you. Once he was next to you he wrapped an arm around your neck and patted it lovingly. "Come on, girl. Let's get back to base."

You shook off his arms and nudged him towards the groundbridge with your nose. He glanced at you curiously before stepping towards you again. "What's wrong? You don't wanna come in?"

You shook your head and Optimus cleared his throat. "I'm not certain, Wheeljack. But I think that she is waiting for the Decepticons predacon to come back. It had left during battle."

You chirped excitedly towards Optimus as Wheeljack continued to look at you. "But why? To fight? (N/N), no offense, but he's way bigger than you."

You huffed and rolled your optics. You caught onto Predakings scent and almost purred. It smelt absolutely lovely.

From the comlinks, you heard Ratchet say that there was a Decepticon signal nearby, and you actually did purr that time. You quickly became sheepish as Wheeljack turned to stare at you.

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