Sire!Optimus Prime x Sparkling!Femme!Reader

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Requested by BookNerd573828
Based off of Bayverse


It had been a normal day until Optimus was informed of a 'meteor' hurtling towards earth. He acted instantly, calling the pod and asking them to land in a secluded area. When he got no response he became concerned. Where they injured? Offline? He shook his head as if shaking those thoughts away. Whoever was in that pod was alive, he knew it. He told Ratchet to activate their artificial magnetic force, making the pod land wherever they wished. They made it land nearby in case the Bot or Con inside needed medical attention. Now, all they had to do was wait.

About a week later, the pod was going to land. All of the Autobots gathered around it, watching as it landed and holding out their cannons in case it was a Con. The pod landed loudly, skidding across the ground until it finally slowed. They waited for it to open, and lowered their cannons in confusion. Why wasn't it opening? Shouldn't the Cybertronian have woken up at that harsh landing?

Optimus lowered his cannons and stepped forward. The closer he got, the more he could hear a sound coming from the pod. It sounded almost like...a sparkling. Crying.

He quickly threw precaution out the window, running to the pod and almost ripping it open. Some of the Autobots were yelling in confusion, but he ignored them. He looked inside and saw you looking back at him. Your (color) and (second color) shuddering as coolant leaked from your optics as you whined loudly.

Optimus quickly reached in and pulled you close, stepping back and shushing them. "It's okay, sparkling," he said soothingly. "Calm down, you're safe."

You continued to cry as a human stepped closer. "Optimus, sir, what is that?"

Optimus paused as you began to calm down slightly. He looked down at the human and shared a glance with Ratchet. "This is a sparkling. A cybertronian child, I think is what you would call them."

The human nodded and walked away, most likely to inform his superiors about you. While he walked away, Optimus looked down at you. Checking your frame, Optimus noticed the slimmer build and smiled. A femme.

You looked up at him and giggled, reaching out to grasp onto his battle mask. When you finally grabbed onto it, he retracted it and watched as your optics widened in amazement. He smiled as you began to giggle and reach back for his faceplate. Your little servo finally reached his cheek and your small digits ran over the grooves of his face.

From behind him, Bumblebee stepped closer and glanced at you. He chirped a few times before holding his arms out. Optimus smiled and nodded, handing you off to his scout. You whined and held her servos out to Optimus, but your attention was quickly caught by a loud whirl above you. You looked up and caught Bumblebee's optics and giggled. You reached up and gripped at his mouthpiece, causing him to smile behind it. You were such a sweetheart.

He whirled and chirped, and you copied the sounds. He smiled and held you closer while you glanced around. Everything was new. Everything was amazing. You looked to the side and saw Optimus again. You held out your servos and whined. Optimus stepped closer and picked you up from Bumblebee's arms. You looked at him for a moment and smiled before turning your attention to the mech in front of you. You giggled and kicked your feet at him, laughing even louder when he smiled. Who was this mech? Was he your Sire?

You held your servos out again and held his cheeks. Your digits gripped at the playing and you smiled. "S-Sire!" You gurgled out, and he almost dropped you in shock.

"What was that?" He questioned with wide optics. You simply giggled up at him.

"Sire!" You called up happily, attracting the Autobot's attention. Some chuckled at their leader's shocked face, while others smiled. Optimus always seemed to attract the sparklings.

After Optimus managed to make everyone stop laughing he carried you inside the base and got everything he would need from Ratchet. This wasn't his first rodeo, however, so he knew the basics. Bedtime was to never be questioned, and naps must be frequent. Also, they have to eat every few hours. Optimus forgot that once.

It wasn't until that night when he realized you didn't have a designation. The pod you came in had nothing that could identify your previous Carrier and Sire, or your designation. All they really knew about you was that you were a femme with a (color) frame and (second color) highlights.

Optimus gazed down at your figure in thought as you rolled around. What would be a good designation for you? For Bumblebee it was easy. The mechs fascination in organic creatures and his yellow and black paint made it simple. You, however, made it difficult. He didn't know much about your personality except for that you were a little ball of sunshine and a sweetspark.

He glanced over your frame again. Would (Random Name) work? He shook his head. No, that wouldn't match your personality. (Random Name 2)? He sighed, that didn't sound right. (Y/N)? He knelt down next to you and smiled.

"(Y/N)! Come here!" He said, testing out the name. Your helm snapped to his direction and you giggled, army crawling towards him. "(Y/N), come on." You giggled and continued to army crawl. Once you made it to his arms he lifted you up and held you close. "(Y/N) it is, I suppose." You just placed your servos on his cheeks and giggled at a joke he didn't understand. He chuckled along and rested his forehead against your smaller one. "I hope you like it here, (Y/N). Although this is war, I will try my best to make sure you are comfortable here in the base."

You just giggled and he smiled along. "I guess my worries are just my own. I guess that it a good thing, though. You are too young to think about such things."

You blabbed and muttered "Sire" to yourself after he was done. He smiled and pulled you close and allowed you to rest your helm on his shoulder. "I love you, (Y/N). So much."

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