Megatron x Shy!Femme!Reader

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Requested by LytleLadibug
Based off of tfp
I personally can't imagine Megatron liking someone shy, so it became more of a "nervous" reader rather than "shy." Sorry.

"His Sweetspark"

You, being Knockout's apprentice, didn't get around much. I mean, you talked to those you needed to, but besides that you didn't have much of a life. In all honesty, you felt lonely. Really lonely.

You were the one to fix the minor things, anything from headaches to vehicons with limbs that needed replacing. You worked with the vehicons while Knockout and Breakdown delt with Soundwave, Starscream and Megatron.

After your time on the Decepticon warship, you developed a...crush...on the warlord. Yes, his face had moss growing on it, but he managed to get your attention. You never spoke with the warlord until one day, the one day that he managed to get injured on the field and Knockout was out racing. The only one really somewhat qualified to fix up his scratches and fix whatever he had done to his poor servo was you. Breakdown would have, but Megatron refused to have a lowly assistant help him, no less one who had gotten himself kidnapped by humans.

You walked into the sick bay, expecting to see vehicons, but instead was pleasantly surprised by a pouting metal titan. It took you a second to fully process what was happening—who was in your medical center. After it all came crashing down on you, you instantly blushed. Heavily.

You reset your vocals and walked closer, being carful to stay at least legs-length away from the mech. "M-My liege, c-can I see your s-servo?"

He looked you up and down before slowly placing his servos in your direction. You gently grabbed his left and and set it on the table, letting it receive a quick scan. You looked at the screen in front of you and nodded, reading the information. "It seems that you completely crushed two of the joints in your digits, which is replaceable. Your digits seem scratched but that isn't new this is war." You awkwardly chuckled to yourself before realizing that you were talking out loud, something you do often when working with patients. "Uh, so...I would just need to fix your scratches and replace the digits. W-would you like t-to be awake during the procedure?"

He glared at you and growled. "Why? So Starscream can attempt to take over again while I'm unconscious? No, I want to be awake."

"I'm s-sorry, my liege. Some cons I had worked with preferred to be asleep during procedures that involved replacing parts of them. T-they fount it more relaxing that way." You stuttered out quickly while trying to not dig yourself a bigger whole.

"Are you saying I'm weak, femme?" He growled, moving to stand to his full height and tower over you.

"N-no, sir! I would n-never s-say that My Liege!" You cried out, pulling your head down down as you you backed up, throwing your arms up to protect yourself from the expected hit.

After a few seconds you heard a quiet, dark chuckle as Megatron sat back down. Carefully, you pulled your arms away. You had seen this trick before, he had used it on Starscream and he had ranted to you as you fixed him. You glanced up at Megatron's optics tentatively, trying to find his motives. He lifted a hand and waved it to a cut on his upper arm that was dripping Energon. Definitely from Optimus' blades.

You gasped since Megatron was still bleeding. When you checked the scans, it said his healing mechanics were already on; how deep was this cut anyways?

You quickly transformed your finger into a small welder and slowly closed up the cut, being careful to not weld anywhere not necessary. Being welded didn't feel quite good in the first, especially if the wrong spot was welded. Once done, you quickly—almost gracefully—moved around Megatron and began to weld the other spots shut. One done, you grabbed his hand and popped the digits out of the way so you could replace the rotators. One those were replaced, you checked the hand again and saw that there were multiple chips in his armor and scratches everywhere. You quickly turned around to grab an extra buffer—not Knockout's, since he would kill you—and turned back around. You turned it on and began to buff out any welded bits and scars on his body first, and then began a usual cleaning process.

At some point, you must have forgotten that Megatron was awake, and that you were touching him without his permission. But your medic coding took over and you completed the job given to you. Only once his entire body was buffed and clean did you look up at his optics.

He was staring at you, his mouth in a straight line as his ruby eyes flashed with confusion, anger and...admiration.

You gasped as your eyes widened. You took a step back and put your hands up defensively in front of you. "I-I'm so sorry, My Lord! I c-completely forgot y-you were a-awake. P-please, f-forgive me." As you rushed apologies out of your intake you looked down.

" fine, I suppose." You flinched as he slipped off of the medical berth and stood in front of you. "You are a good medic, congratulations on your work here today."

You looked on, shocked, as he walked out of the room. From that day on, Megatron seemed to come in for things that would easily heal without a medic, and come in for weekly cleanings. You, obviously, didn't complain since he was your Lord, but had your suspicions. It wasn't until almost a month later he confessed.

He admitted that he came into the medical center to see you, and even went far enough to get Soundwave to keep an eye on you when he couldn't. Although it was slightly creepy, you understood the care he had behind the words and actions. It wasn't until after he had asked you out and you had said yes he had scooped you up and kissed you. Since he was such a large mech, he could literally lift you up off of the ground and leave your legs either around his waist or dangling in the air. You personally preferred having your legs around his waist since it was more stable, not saying that Megatron would ever willingly drop you.

After you pulled apart, you were both gasping for breath and looking at each other. Scanning his face you smiled before reaching one arm up to seemingly caress his cheek, but ended up scratching at something on the corner of his face. "Now that we're dating, can I get the moss off of your face?"

He stared at you for a moment, optics filled with disbelief before he laughed, not his usual chuckle, but laughed. "Yes, my sweetspark. You may clean the moss from my faceplates."

"Thank Primus." You tapped his arm in a sign to let you down and once he did, you nudged him towards the berth. "Go wait over there, I need to grab the wax, soap, and mini-buffer Knockout made me steal."

"Knockout made you steal a human's buffer? How?"

"That's...unimportant right now. Now look down, I can't reach that heigh up and you know that."

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