Ratchet x Injured!Predacon!Reader

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GUYS! I'm half way through testing and then I think I'm almost done woooOOOOOOO! anyway have fun reading feel free to vote and comment I like reading them. Enjoy~!
Requested by TheWerewolfshipper
Based off of tfp

"Come Alone. Bring Med Kit."

Starscream was freaking out. No, he was having a full-blown panic attack. The one Predacon he somewhat liked was grounded. No, not in trouble. You had been flying alongside him when a human jet had shot at your wing, hitting the joint and disabling the wing entirely. You had crashed into the ground as Starscream shot down the other jet. He has quickly flown down to you and transformed, not caring to be as graceful as he usually was. He was rushed and panicked and wasn't even sure if you were alive or not.

Once he got a clear sighting of you, he gasped as you shifted your helm to look over at him. You were covered in dents and energon, and your left wing was bent at an unusual angle and there were shattered pieces on the ground. You whimpered quietly, shifting to move closer to Starscream but he shushed you, stepping closer and gently pushing your helm back. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay. Just calm down. It's fine." He was mostly reassuring himself, but you felt comforted by his tone. You crooned slightly as he pulled away, and he shushed you again. He reached up to his comlink and sent out a quick message.

You whined as you attempted to move your injured wing, causing more pain to flash through your body. Starscream glanced over and flinched at your mangled wing and dented body. You were covered in energon and it was continuing to drip from your frame. He felt panic fill his frame as you whined in pain and he knelt down next to you. "Come on, (Y/N). They're on the way, be patient. Please."

You whined again as Starscream continued to mutter to himself. Holy Primus this hurt! You snarled and glanced in the direction of the crashed jet. Stupid humans! You growled before shifting back towards Starscream, resting your helm on the dirty ground. Behind you, a groundbridge opened up, and you attempted to stand. You managed to make it to your pedes and hunched your back as your injured wing dangled limply next to you. You attempted to flex your uninjured wing to seem threatening, even though you knew you wouldn't be able to do much in a fight. You saw two mechs walk through the portal and tensed up. Autobots.

You snarled and went to lunge at them, but Starscream placed a servo on your side. "Lay down, (Y/N). They're here to help."

You turned and gave him a criticizing glance, but relaxed slightly when he gave you a look. You turned back to the Autobots, recognizing their medic and a soldier. You growled as they stepped closer and gave them an uncertain glare.

The medic held his servos up and waved them soothingly. "Calm down, we're only here to help."

You went to growl again, but Starscream ran his servo across your side softly. "Stop. We...need them."

You chirped in annoyance before laying down slowly, whining in pain when your wing hit the ground again. The medic stepped closer while the other mech tried to pull him back. He quickly dodged the others servo and stepped even closer, his servos still up. "I'm Ratchet, a medic. I can help your wing, but only if you let me."

You snarled but eventually let him walk closer, tense and untrusting. Starscream stayed close as the medic began his work, making sure you didn't attack since Bulkhead had his cannons readied and aimed at your helm. You glare was still strong, but you allowed him to inspect you closely.

"Her wing looks completely dismantled, how did this happen?"

You are Starscream growled at the same time. "Humans," he said lowly. Ratchet looked uncomfortable with the obvious hate for the organics, but didn't mention it and simply knelt down next to your wing.

"I'm going to have to move it to a better position, okay?" A rumbling sound echoed in your throat before you nodded hesitantly. He moved his servos and gently grabbed your wing, moving it so it was straight out. You howled in pain and went to attack him, but stopped when Starscream rubbed your side.

"It's almost over," he comforted. "Just a little more, okay?" You glared at him over your shoulder but nodded, resting your helm back down with a loud 'thunk!' You saw the green one flinch and you smirked to yourself. Even injured you still scared them.

You continued to sit there peacefully, whining and growling whenever there were large bursts of pain. You felt Starscream shift closer to your helm and you lent in his direction. He went to pet you but was stopped.

"What are you doing?!" Bulkhead yelled out in shock, aiming his cannon higher than before. "That's a Predacon! A beast!"

You growled and went to stand as Starscream defended you. You were almost up when you felt a servo on the side of your neck. You looked down, alarmed, and was Ratchet. You looked around uneasily before growling lowly, not knowing what else to do. He narrowed his optics at you and pointed at the ground. "Lay back down, I still have to weld the broken pieces together." He looked down at your still mangled wing and groaned. "This would be so much easier if I had my medbay, but I can't bring you to the base." He paused and sighed when he couldn't come up with a solution. He knelt back down to work, and you continued to watch him.

He must have felt your stare on his back, because he turned to look at you after a few minutes of work and paused. He waited a moment before slowly reaching his servo out, inches from your snout. You paused to look at it, and then gently reached up to place your nose against it. He paused for a moment before moving his servo down and rubbing your cheek, being careful of your mandibles. You purred and lent into his servo, causing him to smile.

"You're you?" He questioned, causing you to open your eyes and stare up at him. You heard his fans turn on and smirked your Predacon smirk. He gave you an uncertain glance and pulled his servo away, causing you to whine. "Did—did you just smirk at me?"

"She does that a lot," Starscream said with a shrug. "You haven't been with her for two months, she has lots of weird traits and I'm not sure where they came from." He had some spite behind the words, hating he was communicating with an Autobot, but did it for your sake. You seemed to like the medic, so he would try to be pleasant. 'Try' being the key word here.

You waited for hours until Ratchet was finally done. When he announced you could now fly, you instantly spread your wings and took off into the air. You roared with excitement as you did twists and turns in the air. You heard a jet fly next to you and rumbled happily to Starscream. You looked down at the ground and noticed Ratchet watching you as you flew, a content smile on his face. You tilted your wings down and began to descend to the ground. Ratchet stepped back and allowed you to land in front of him. Although Bulkhead's cannon was still aimed towards you, you lent your helm down and nuzzled into his side. You moved in circles until you were curled around him. You lent into his stomach and rubbed against it, crooning a loud thank you.

He chuckled and rubbed the top of your helm. "No problem, (Y/N). Just don't get shot down the next time you go on a flight."

You crooned again before Starscream transformed and landed next to you. He and Ratchet shared a glance before the Seeker ushered you closer. "Come on, (Y/N). Let's go back to the Nemesis."

You groaned at having to go back to that cramped ship before nodding. You gave Ratchet one last nuzzle and croon before spreading your wings and pushing off into the sky. You and Starscream continued to swirl around each other, but you paused to look back at the medic. You thought about what little you knew about humans and smiled when you remembered something. You pulled your tail up in front of you and waved it back and forth. He seemed to chuckle before waving back with his servo. You smiled to yourself before turning and flying after Starscream.

Starscream slowed down to meet up with you and you flew side by side. "What was that?" You shrugged as best as you could when flying, and you knew he would have rolled his optics if he was in his bipedal form.

Down on the ground, Bulkhead walked closer to Ratchet. "She--She seemed like, into you."

Ratchet rolled his optics and crossed his arms. "She's a Predacon, Bulk. I don't think she can be 'into someone' as you put it." Bulkhead simply looked Ratchet up and down and shrugged. They both turned and walked through the groundbridge, ignoring the (color) and (second color) Predacon's roars.

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