Bumblebee x Female!Reader (2/2)

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Requested by XxVolt
Based off of tfp
Once I finished this I realized it's in Jasper Nevada it doESNT RAIN THERE EVER. Sorry guys, my bad.

"Meeting again"

It wasn't until months later, when the car wash itself had almost completely dissipated from your mind when you met Rick again. That was his name, right? Anyway—

You met him when you were on your way to school. It was raining and you—of course—forgot your umbrella. But you know what you did have? Your handy dandy—well shit, you forgot your raincoat too. Well, good. You didn't want to cover up your outfit anyways.

You shoved your hands in your pant pockets because—as said before—you forgot your coat. For like the fifth time in a row. It wasn't your fault, it's never rained in Jasper, much less four days in a row. With a groan you threw back your head, only resulting in a raindrop in your eye.

You pulled back instantly, gripping at your eye and rubbing at it gently. "God fuck—that was my goddamn eye, Jesus!"

You had stopped walking to tend to your eye, and looked up to see a car next to you. A yellow and black car. Inside the kid—something that started with an r—seemed to be a little miffed with his computer thing. The car honked on its own and you swore you heard some type of beeps from inside the car. You just stared at the car for a second—hey it looks hot okay?—before the kid rolled down his window. But you're also pretty sure he didn't touch anything while he did so.

"H-Hey, we go to the same school, so I was wondering if you wanted a drive?" The kid asked. His hair was as spiked as you remembered it, not that you remembered much about him.

"Uh, I don't know.. My mom always gave me those lessons on staying away from strangers so..." As you began to walk away, you heard the vroom of a car engine and whirs that sounded somewhat annoyed. Wonder what was wrong with his car.

The car suddenly pulled up and followed you, creeping alongside you while still somehow on the road. "Uh, no offense kid but I wanna get to school. I'm okay with some rain, I'll live. Promise."

The car seemed to do some dreamy sigh thing as the kid continued. "Oh, uh, I was just making sure, you know? It's gonna get cold soon, and it's just gonna start raining more. You wouldn't want to show up to school with your outfit ruined, would you?" You almost froze at his words, but continued walking. You thought on it for a second. I mean, this outfit was pretty nice...

"Okay, I'll hop in." You said finally. The car seemed to whirl happily as it came to an immediate stop. "Where to I sit?"

"Uh, the back, probably—" he was cut off again by the beeps "—I mean, the drivers seat is fine."

You glanced between the car and the person in the seat in front of you suspiciously before shrugging. Might as well, at this point if you get kidnapped you get kidnapped. Eh.

You walked around the car and went to open the door, but it opened before you could even reach for the handle. You glanced at the kid in the passenger seat before shrugging. His car was advanced, right? Maybe he made it do that. You sat down and reached for the seatbelt instinctively, but was instead greeted by the seatbelt wrapping itself over your breasts and waist. It wasn't a quick buckle either. It felt slow and—somehow—sensual, almost. It felt...violating.

You shivered before glancing at the passenger-seat boy (which is now his name). "Cool car, I didn't even think that had machinery that could buckle itself."

"Uh, yeah. M-my parents are in charge of a c-car making company and gives me all of there newest editions." He responded. You nodded, sounded legit.

It was quiet for a few minutes at the car drove itself. Sitting in the drivers seat felt...wrong, to be honest. Your hands weren't on the wheel, you weren't touching the pedals. It was weird. It felt like someone else entirely was driving, almost in a sentient way. Weird, right?

Once you made it to school you closed the door gently and walked out. Passenger-seat boy followed after you with his backpack. "Hey, sorry if my car made you uncomfortable."

"Oh, it's fine. It just felt kind of weird in the drivers seat, ya know? I wasn't driving and the car was moving. Freaky. But not in a bad way. I don't know if just felt...sentient, I guess." You paused to blush a little bit. "I'm rambling, aren't I."

From afar the car honked before driving away, startling some kids walking past. You watched the car leave, some odd feeling making you look at its bumper as it left. You shook your head once it left your sight and looked down at passenger-seat boy. "Is your car supposed to drive without you in it?"

"Yeah, he'll come back when school is out." The kid responded easily before he heard a voice call something. He turned around and it took you a second to realized someone had called his name. You turned around as well and saw a girl with pink in her hair waving towards him. He glanced back at you and you pushed him lightly in her direction. "Go have fun, kid. I gotta get to class. I got an F on some paper and need to retake it today. See you later, probably."

Once he was gone, what he said finally caught up to you.

"He'll come back?"

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