Predaking x Predacon!Reader

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Everything the Predacons say is in like, predacon speech or something. I just didn't want to italic it again I'm a lazy piece of shit. Sorry fam
Requested by RePrayRay
Based off of tfp

"Ha you don't even read the titles do you"

You awoke slowly, one part of you at a time. First, there was sound; but it was muffled and you could only hear quiet murmurs. Then, there was feeling. You felt like you were floating, but something was pushing down on you, keeping you in place. Lastly, there was thought. First it was as simply as analyzing where you were, but then it shifted to why and how you got there. Slowly, the pressure around you began to disappear, and you started... sinking?

You felt your frame hit something below you and stop moving. You paused to take in a deep breath, and then slowly opened your optics.

You saw metal everywhere, along with what seemed to be a...lab? Was that the word? You began to analyze and search for where this could be, and smiled to yourself when you realized it was a lab. Go you.

You turned and saw a purple mech standing off to the side, and tilted your head at him. Who was he? Was he the one who woke you up? Is he why you were here? Where is 'here' anyway?

You suddenly heard a loud growl and ducked, whirling around with your wings out and tail curled warningly. When did you learn to do that?

There was front of you. For some reason, half of your processor was screaming 'Mate!' while the other half was screaming 'Run away now!' Your processor really needed to sort out its issues, because you had no idea what to do. You just spread your wings even more and—wings?! Since when did you have wings?

You quickly glanced up and saw that, yes, you had wings. They were large and metal, just like everything in the room. You tried moving them and they followed your mental command. You made them shift forward and backward, up and down. You weren't sure how to use them properly, but you also didn't know how to do anything else either and you've been doing pretty well so far.

You heard another growl and faced your helm toward the other metal beast. You glanced down and saw that your servos matched his, so you could only assume you were of the same breed. You spread your wings out more—something inside was telling you to—and lowered your helm. You growled at him in response, and for a split second you glanced over to the mech in the corner of the room. He was watching every movement that you two made, and it confused you as to why.

The beast in front of you roared, and you whimpered while backing up. You lowered your wings instinctively and curled them close to your frame. The being paused for a moment before slowly stepping closer. You stood still as he did.

He stood in front of you and lent in slightly, you stiffening as he did. You felt him sniff you slightly, stepping even closer and nudge against you. You slowly relaxed as he walked around you, but still managed to keep a watchful eye on him. He made a full circle and sat in front of you.

"Who are you?" He asked, and you paused to wonder. Who were you? Why didn't you know in the first place? Where where you?

"Good question, do you know?" You replied with a flick of your tail. He looked you up and down for a moment before shaking his helm.

"No, I don't." He paused to glance at his pedes and then back towards you. "Do you have a designation?"

You tilted your head in confusion and frowned. You didn't have a designation, did that mean you got to pick your own? Could someone pick their own designation. You decided to voice your concern to the mech in front of you. "I don't have a designation. Can I pick one?"

He thought for a moment before nodding. "I don't see why not," his tail swayed back and forth and his wings shook themselves briefly. "I want my designation to be 'Predaking.'"

You nodded, accepting the new designation, before realizing something. "Preda-king? What is a preda? And why would you be king?"

Predaking glanced at you like you were completely, 100% stupid. "We're Predacons, and I wish to be king. Is that hard to understand?"

Obviously or else I wouldn't have asked. "No, I understand. I was just confused."

It was silent for a moment, and you hated it. You could feel Predaking's stare on your frame and you hated it. "I want my designation to be (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)?" He questioned, stepping forwards slightly. "Isn't that a bit... odd?"

You agreed with him, yes it did seem odd. But you couldn't change your mind now, you had already chosen it. "Yes, but I like it. Unique, I guess."

Predaking nodded and moved to stand next to you. "Ah, yes. The need to be unique. Interesting."

You could feel it deep in your frame that you would feel the need to be unique or fun to be around. A part of you accepted that, and the other hated it. Oh well, am I right?

You simply nodded to his statement and stiffened when he laid down next to you. When he noticed how tense you were, he moved his wing to rest over your shoulders. "Lie down, getting out of the cybermatter is a draining experience."

You frowned but slowly laid down, trying to keep a small distance between you two. "Cybermatter?"

Predaking looked down at you weirdly before he—oddly enough—smiled and chuckled. He looked away and rested his helm on his paws. "You have a lot to learn."

"You say that like you already know everything," you scoffed with an optic-roll.

"That's because I do. I am king, remember?"

You huffed and ignored him. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

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