Optimus x Shy!Femme!Reader

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Requested by LytleLadibug
Based off of tfp
Sorry that it gets kinda depressing in the middle, don't worry, it'll get better in the end. Also sorry if he's super OOC, I tried my best Optimus is a difficult character for me.

"A Broken Love"

You were utterly in love with your leader, Optimus Prime. You were also deathly shy, leading you to never saying anything to Optimus.


If you needed to say something to Optimus you'd tell Bulk or Jackie to tell him since you trusted them; mostly because your creators were wreckers as well. Although you didn't take up after them, and instead found an occupation as Ratchet's assistance, you still had some few wrecker qualities. Like having the impulse to just throw things around be reckless. But you knew better, Optimus wouldn't like a femme like that.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by somebot clearing their throat. You quickly stood straight up and to attention, causing the person to chuckle. You noticed the red and blue paint before you saw his face, and already wanted to hide. Staying tense, you looked up at Optimus and gulped.

"D-do you want some—something, s-sir?" You stuttered out, fiddling with your digits and you glanced around nervously.

"No, (Y/N). I would just like to talk, I noticed we don't talk often and am sorry about that." He responded in his deep, respectful voice. It made you shiver, to be honest. Every. Godamn. Time. "Are you cold, (Y/N)?" He asked, causing you to look up and wave your servos in denial as you took a step back.

"I–uh—no-no, sir." You said as you took another step back, looking down. "I am—I am fine."

He gave you a concerned look, which you didn't see, and stepped forwards cautiously. "Here, (Y/N). Let's go see Ratchet, you don't seem quite alright."

"Uh, n-no, sir. I'm fine, I promise." You said, looking away to avoid his stare.

"I don't mean to be rude, (Y/N), but I strongly suggest that you see Ratchet. Your faceplates are bright blue and you look faint." He offered his help gently, but you knew you had no choice in the matter. 

You wanted to continue to argue with the mech, but remembered he was a polite leader who would like a polite femme too. You didn't want to, but you held your tongue and let him lead you to your workplace.

"Ratchet? (Y/N) doesn't seem well and I request that you check on her." Optimus said gently, grabbing your arm carefully and pulling you closer to the medic.

"(Y/N)? She seemed fine not even ten minutes ago, what could have happened in ten—" Ratchet paused when he saw your flushed face and Optimus' concerned optics. He wanted to die that moment, then and there. Out of everyone on base, he thought Optimus was the smartest mech here. Apparently not.

"I'll check on her, Optimus." He said, giving you pity for your situation. "I promise she's in good hands."

Optimus seemed uncertain, but let you go and nodding towards you. "Get well soon, (Y/N)." And then he was gone. Probably to do some hot, leader things—no (Y/N) stop it he just left.

It was quiet for a few moment before Ratchet turned back to his work. "So, Optimus, huh?"

"Optimus what?" You heard Miko ask from the floor beneath you. You almost screamed, but kept it in. Optimus would want a strong femme, not a skittish cybercat.

"Optimus nothing." You said swiftly, moving to turn away from Miko and all the other kids on the floor.

"Oh (Y/N) here has a crush on our leader." Ratchet said cooly, still working.

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