Ratchet x Stubborn!Mech!Reader

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Requested by Thebenjagirl6
Based off of tfp
I had to research what happens when you don't eat for a while and then checked them again so hA I know what I'm talking about I promise. Besides that, I'm not sure why he ended up being a Wheeljack clone at some point maybe it's because I ship it or maybe it's because I don't the world will never know.



You were starving. No, more than starving. You were so hungry you could feel your engine rumble in pain every few seconds, and your air vents were on full blast trying to cool down your sweating frame. Your abilities on the field had begun to decrease, but you refused to eat too much. The other bots were always getting hurt, and almost always needed an energon transfusion. And since stocks were low, they didn't always have that ability to get more energon. They would either have to get a donor, or they would continue on fatigued and dizzy until they were given more energon.

You hated that. You hated watching your team slowly become weaker and weaker around you, so you did stop eating your energon servings, putting them back in the energon pile when no one was looking. Yeah, it hurt and it was disgusting. You were disgusted by yourself and what you were doing to your own body, but reminding yourself it wasn't for you. It was for them.

You would sometimes end up so hungry that when you ate, you just threw it up afterward. After that, you learned to keep a schedule. You would eat small amounts once every other week whenever Optimus or Ratchet handed out the servings and then put it all away. You sighed, resting your head on your servos and looking at the wall. Ratchet. The medic who definitely knew what you were doing, and had no idea how to stop you. You could see it in his eyes, the way he tried to scan you secretly and look at the readings in shock. He knew what you were doing, and you knew it too.

Ratchet was never able to mention it until one day after a mission. You had tripped because of how woozy you felt, and Ratchet had caught you.

"Go eat. Now."

Your fans turned on in embarrassment as the team glanced over in confusion, and you pulled away with a forced laugh. "Sure, Doc. I was feelin' pretty hungry anyway." You optics were harsh and cold, but a smile was on your face. You nodded at him. There was no fragging way was he going to frag this up for you. Not after you had spent so long working to this point.

"Let me join you, I was feeling pretty hungry too."

He. Did. Not.

The little spark in Ratchet's optic told you otherwise. He just cornered you. And if you planned to make it seem like everything was fine, you'd have to let him come along. Your job was to not seem suspicious, and a lot of the mechs here knew about your crush on the medic. You would usually jump for joy at the fact that Ratchet of all mechs wanted to join you. But this time you felt trapped, cornered almost.

You forced a wider smile and nodded. "Come on, let's go." Ratchet followed after you as you turned, and you could feel the teams stare on your back as you two left. Once you were both in the safety of the energon dispenser, Ratchet grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the dispenser, grabbing some energon and forcing it near your faceplate.

"Just eat it!" Ratchet yelled as he pushed it closer to you. You struggled to push it away, scared of throwing up what little you did have in your tanks. "Why are you pushing me away? Your tanks are dangerously low, just eat something!"

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