Bumblebee x Neko!Female!Reader

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I'm sorry for the super rushed chapters recently. For the past month there's been at least 13 requests at all times and I'm tired of stressing over them. So recently I've just been writing them and pushing them out. Sorry if I made your request poorly written, I'm really sorry about it.
Requested by ChatBlancxChatNoir
Based off of tfp

You walked into the Autobot base, your hoodie on your head with cat ears on the top. You managed to take out the stuffing and push your own ears into the holes, making them almost unnoticeable. Almost.

Sometimes you would unknowingly twitch your ears or move your tail (which was also hidden in the hoodie) and someone would notice. Usually you would shrug off the person who noticed, but the Autobots weren't easily convinced. Especially a certain black and yellow one. He was very curious, but curiosity killed the cat.

You stepped through the base and went to climb to the 'human zone' when someone swooped in and picked you up into their servo. You yelped, your ears flattening against your head as your tail curled around you.

:.See! There it was again!.: Bumblebee cheered while pointing at you. You could tell he was smiling under his mouth guard. :.You're tail and ears! They moved!.:

"N-No they didn't, Bee," you said nervously but stiffly. "I don't know what you're talking about, this is just a hoodie."

:.Then take it off,.: he argued. :.If it's 'just a hoodie,' then take it off.:

You looked up at him and blushed, trying to find a way to keep on your hoodie. "I, I don't have anything underneath it."

Bumblebee paused and stuttered for a few seconds before blushing himself. :.I don't know then.:

You looked at each other for a moment before looking down in sync. Why hadn't he let you down yet. You didn't want to talk about it. You didn't want to reveal yourself. Not yet; not today.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Raf question. You looked over Bee's servo and nodded to show him he had your attention. "Did you change before coming here?" You shook your head slowly, very confused. "Then you do have something under your hoodie. At school you took it off because it was too hot."

Yeah, but you took it off in front of a bunch of humans who don't pay attention to anything, but now you were in front of alien lifeforms who notice everything. You shook your head and blushed, looking down again. "I, uh, just don't want to..."

"Why?" Miko said with a wide smile. "You have a rocking bod, (Y/N)."

You blushed even more and tried to ignore her. You rubbed your arms and looked away from all of them. "I just—I don't like to."

Bumblebee began to notice your discomfort and nodded to the others, quietly carrying you away and into another room. :.(Y/N)? Are you alright?.:

You nodded quietly and slowly lent into his servo. "I'm fine, Bee. Don't worry."

He made a staticy whine before sitting down in the corner, you still in his servo.

:.I'm sorry.:

You shook your head with a small smile. "Don't worry, it's fine."

Bee tilted his head, :.But I made you sad...:

You placed a hand on his cheek gently. "Yeah, but I'm better now. Just, don't ask again, alright?"

Bumblebee smile and nodded excitedly. :.Anything for you!.:

You smiled to yourself and cuddled into his chassis, pleased. "Thank you, Bee."

:.No problem, darling.:

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