Starscream x Femme!Reader [LEMON]

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Requested by CricketLuver


Being an Autobot on the Nemesis was interesting enough, being Starscream's girlfriend was a whole other section of interesting. First, you were almost always in his range of sight. No. Matter. What. If he was doing a mission of some sort, you were either given a comm link to talk through, or you went with him anyways. Second, you were supervised at all times. If not in person, Soundwave would be watching you through his camera-things. Lastly, you never, ever, left the Nemesis unsupervised. Actually, you don't leave unless Starscream was with you.

Sometimes the other con's would look at you two and roll their optics and mutter something about "sparkmates." Whenever you asked what they meant, they would never say anything or just shake their heads. It took you a few times, but you realized it was because Starscream would glare at them.

And let me tell you, Starscream may seem wimpy, but he could be scary if he needed to be. You don't just become second in command for the Decepticons over night, you know.

After a month of Starscream avoiding the conversation on what he thought about Sparkbonding, you were annoyed. So when you two were about to fall asleep on your shared berth, you decided to ask.

"Starscream..? What do you think about Sparkbonding?" You asked, looking at his chest, not his face. You felt his arm around your waist tense up before he sighed, relaxing at the same time.

He moved his servo so his pointer finger and thumb were lifting up your helm so your (color) optics could meet with his own, blazing red ones. You gasped quietly when he placed his derma on your own, little shocks traveling from your lips all the way down to your pedes. One he pulled away, he began to speak.

"(Y/N) I, honestly, never thought I would want to sparkbond with anyone. Growing up a Decepticon, Sparkmates were out of the question." As he spoke, you began to dip your head down again. Instead of letting you keep your head down, his grip tightened slightly and he pulled your helm up again. His grip was still gentle enough so that it didn't hurt you, but the forcefulness of it all made shivers go down your back strut (spine).

"It was out of the question until I met you, (Y/N)." He said, causing you to blush a light (Energon Color). He chuckled and moved his hand from your chin and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. "You know, I love it when you blush. It reminds me of how innocent you are compared to me." His tone had a slightly dark tone, but it still made you blush more anyways.

As he looked down at you, his optics filled with an emotion you couldn't quite decipher, you felt another shiver go down your back strut. Looking closely into his eyes, you began to notice some sort of hunger, longing for something. Just as you were about to figure out what he was thinking, he flipped you over so your back was on the berth, him on top of you.

You gasped as you landed, and quickly looked up to Starscream in confusion. Now, his eyes were almost glowing with lust, causing you to shiver even more.

"I know I'm not the best at these speeches, (Y/N), but I want to sparkbond with you. If you want, be mine." He said, leaning closer so that his derma were grazing your sensitive audio receptors, causing them to flick in shock. His tone made you shiver, and you feared if you were to open your mouth you would moan from his hot breath caressing your jaw, so you simply nodded.

He chuckled, sending another electrifying shiver through you, and spoke. "No, (Y/N). I want to hear you say yes. I want a a yes, or a no."

You took a deep breath and shakily responded. "Y-yes, Starscream."

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