Optimus x Shy!Human!Female!Reader

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I have a ton of testing coming up soon so I may not be able to update as often because of that. Also, no one has been requesting a lot of stuff lately (which I guess is good because of testing) but the requests are open go ahead and ask. It's just gonna take a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Requested by RajwaAlexa
Based off of Bayverse


You and Optimus were...dating? No, that wasn't right you hadn't made it official yet. Intimate? No, that sounds like you're fragging each other. Which, at this rate, would probably never happen. You were shy. Like, "I think I might explode if you talk to me" shy. You still weren't sure how Optimus even managed to somewhat sustain a relationship with you. You didn't do PDA. Ever. You always felt like someone was judging you whenever you tried to get Optimus' attention.

He's a leader, (Y/N), you would tell yourself. He's busy. He can't just drop everything to talk to you whenever you feel like it.

It wasn't until you, Miko, Jack, and Raf had a sleepover when Optimus made a move. I know, totally out of character. Let's move on.

You had been peacefully chatting with Jack when you felt a servo sweep you up gently and pull you to a chassis. You gasped and leaned over the side of the servo, and the servo twisted to that it was cupped around you. You felt like a hamster for a moment as you scrambled to try to stand. You fell back and looked up, only to see Optimus staring down at you. He gave you a small, almost unnoticeable smile and you felt yourself relax slightly.

You lent into his servo slowly and allowed him to walk away, and towards their berthroom area. You glanced over his servo as he walked away and caught Miko's glance. She gave you a whole smile and a thumbs up, and you blushed before shifting back behind Optimus in embarrassment.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, still walking as he glanced down at you.

You smiled nervously and nodded. "Yeah," you stuttered quietly. "I'm fine." He gave you another glance before continuing, dropping the subject. He finally made it to his berthroom and opened the door, stepping inside. He stepped closer to the berth and you began to feel yourself get nervous. "Uh, Optimus?"

He paused and looked down at you. "Yes (Y/N)?"

"I—I don't want to, uh. Do...that."

He tilted his head in confusion and brought you closer to his face. "What do you mean?"

"I, uh, don't want to," you cleared your throat and coughed into your hand. "I don't want to, interface? Is that the word?"

You swore you heard a fan turn on before it was gone. He straightened up a bit and shook his head. "No, we aren't—I wouldn't make you do anything you weren't comfortable with," he suddenly became almost sheepish and turned away from you. "I thought we could...cuddle? Is that what human couples do?"

You blushed at your own incompetence before looking down and nodding. "Uh, yeah. People dating cuddle sometimes."

He nodded to himself, a proud look on his face before he continued his journey to his berth. He gently laid down and placed you on his chestplates. You gently shifted onto your side and rested your head on a piece of metal. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it worked. It was quiet for a moment, and all you could hear was your slow breaths. You felt Optimus shift and you felt his servo be placed over your body. You snuggled into it and yawned. He was oddly warm for a giant, metal robot.

You felt him sigh and you yawned. "Optimus?" He hummed in response. "I, uh, like you. Like, a lot."

You felt him chuckle slightly and a blush crossed your cheeks. He moved one of his digits to gently rub your head affectionately. "I like you too, (Y/N)."

The silence returned and you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. That was too easy, you thought. You glanced around, trying to avert your thoughts elsewhere, and caught Optimus' attention. "(Y/N)? Are you alright?" You blushed and nodded into his chassis. He paused before shifting slightly so that he was more comfortable. "Are you sure?" You nodded again.

It was quiet again and you shifted to wrap your arms around him. Well, around as much as you could reach. He shifted his servo and held onto you a little more. "May I rub your back?"

You blushed before nodding, nuzzling into his chassis again. He shifted his servo and began to gently pet your back. You practically purred in pleasure. Since you were so shy, hardly anyone touched you. Much less rubbed your back. Whoever taught this mech how to massage deserved a Nobel Prize because damn you were almost moaning. He must have thought he was hurting you because he pulled away. "(Y/N)? Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," you stuttered out. "Can—Can you keep on doing that?" You glanced up and saw a small, quirky smile on the leader's face. Had—Had he been teasing you? You blushed and looked down as his smile grew. You felt him hum as he continued to rub your back. You were probably only responding this way since you had never gotten anything remotely close to a massage, but you didn't care. You sighed against his chassis and muttered something inaudible. Optimus paused and rubbed your cheek with his thumb.

"What was that, (Y/N)?" You swore you could hear his cheeky smile. You weren't sure why, but you loved this version of Optimus. "I couldn't hear you." You mumbled into his chassis again. "What?"

You pulled back and sighed dramatically, trying to pretend you weren't as red as a tomato. "I said you smell good."

You felt Optimus' servo pause and you froze up. Had you done something wrong? Was saying a mech smelt good weird on Cybertron? Well, it was weird on Earth, too. But that didn't matter. You felt his chassis move as he laughed, and you blushed. "I smell good?" He questioned rhetorically. You blushed even more and dipped your head down in embarrassment. "You're very endearing when you're almost asleep, (Y/N)."

You blushed even more and cuddled into Optimus. "Thanks, I guess."

"It was a compliment, I promise," the mech reassured while placing his servo back over you gently. "Now go to sleep, the others have plans in the morning I'd hate for you to miss out on because you were tired."

You complied, resting your head and closing your eyes. "Thank you, Optimus. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, sweetspark."

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