Orion Pax x Shy!Genius!Decepticon!Femme!Reader

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Requested by LytleLadibug
Based off of tfp
Kind of angsty at the end but not too much I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted.


You tried to avoid Orion as much as possible. Whenever you looked at him all you could see was Optimus, and it made you panic. You were no good at fighting. You were a scientist. That was your job and part of your job was working for the Decepticons in uncoding old relic files. You also helped with Knockout every once in a while, but that was only after big fights when he needed help with the injured troops. Once Orion was brought back, you were there when he got the Decepticon symbol on his shoulder. You were also quickly assigned to help him with the files. Ever since then you had been suspiciously inactive. The Vehicons had moved all of your stuff to the room he was working in, so you couldn't just work from afar. You had to be up close in the lion's den.


In all honesty, you were terrified of the tall mech. You barely came up to his upper stomach/lower chest, and it didn't help that you were a shy person in general. Optimus was a tall, loud, mech. All of your worst fears shoved into one body.

You had heard how polite he was, but whenever he spoke all you could hear was his loud tone that echoed slightly no matter where he was. He had spoken to you once, just a casual greeting, and you had yelped before turning and almost-sprinting away. You had heard Optimus—Orion call from where he still stood and heard Megatron speak soon after.

"Don't worry about her, she's just shy. I'm sure she'll break out of her shell and come meet her working partner eventually."

You swore that last part was directed towards you, and it made you shiver. You didn't want to meet anyone new, ever. Although Megatron wouldn't understand, maybe Orion would? You scoffed at yourself. What a ridiculous idea, you thought. Orion wouldn't care, and neither would Optimus.

You sighed, standing in front of Orion's workspace. You nodded at the vehicons outside of the door before entering hesitantly.

Hearing the door open, Orion instantly turned in your direction and smiled. His smile would make any femme's knees weak, you realized. He really is that perfect. "Hello, I am Orion. I assume you are to be my partner on this project, correct?"

You felt breaths become shaky as you glanced up at Orion in slight fear. "Yessir." You muttered quickly, walking to your station and beginning to work. You wanting to just ignore him, but the previous Prime had different plans.

"What is your name again?"

You sighed as your servos began to shake. Primus, why was he so loud? Was it just you, or was he louder than Megatron? "(Y/N)."

"That's a nice name."

You froze, not sure what to do. No one had ever complimented you before. Not in a while. Not in an un-sexual way, at least. You took a deep breath to calm down. "T-thank you."

"I seem to be making you nervous," Orion said while shifting away from his computer to look at you. "Is there something I am doing wrong? Can you tell me?"

You tensed up and refused to look over. He sounded so sparkfelt, as if he honestly just wanted to help. And you weren't sure to tell him the truth or to just blow it off. You sighed. Worst comes to worst you could just ignore him, right?

"Y-you're very loud." You muttered quietly.

"And that is the problem? Should I be quieter?" Oh, Primus. He sounded so concerned why did you make him so perfect?

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