Stinger x Female!Reader

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Requested by ALIYAHMAYOB
Based off of Bayverse (the movies)
Okay so Stinger has like no personality whatsoever I tried so hard to find anything (online and watching the movies myself) and I couldn't find much. I'm sorry!


Bumblebee and Stinger were battling to the death, a flurry of blasters and explosions around them as they were thrown off of the dragon-bot and back on. Bumblebee was able to knock Stinger off of his new bud and onto the streets below. Bumblebee began firing an array of shots at the cheap knockoff (I'm sorry I had to it makes me cry too don't worry).

Stinger, taking his chances in the smokey area from the missing shots, turned on his wheels and transformed, driving away from the battle field. His wheels screeched at he raced on the pavement to an area with no signal so one one could track his. He could here Bumblebee yelling behind him through the radio, but he just pushed his engine even harder to get away.

He shouldn't be doing this, he was a Decepticon! A mighty warrior built from parts of Megatron himself! But he couldn't die right then. He felt he had something he needed to do, something he needed to find before he would die willingly.

He quickly skidded down the roads, almost at 100 mph the entire time. He only stopped when he felt his signal frizzle out of view from nearby Autobots. Or Decepticons, and that thought made a shiver go down his back strut.

He was a Decepticon, he was created that way and forever will be, but he is now an outcast to the Decepticon rule. And the Autobots, even though he would never even think about joining them.

He continued to drive until he was surrounded by nothing but trees for miles and miles, perfectly hidden from any other Cybertronian that could find and attack him. He slowed to a stop and attempted to transform, but found he couldn't.

He felt panic build in his spark. He must have injured himself terrible to loose the ability to transform. And in his alt form, there was no way to protect himself from the planet's inhabitants and other Cybertronians. He tried to transform multiple times before he gave up, defeated. He was stuck in this form, and he will be for a long time. Maybe even forever.

It was weeks, maybe even months before he saw one of Earth's inhabitants, specifically a group of adolescent ones. They took notice of his alt form and began to laugh amongst themselves at a joke he didn't understand. They reeked of human high grade and had drunken giggles. It took a second for them to sober up and they began to walk towards Stinger. Stinger, already wanting to growl and rip the sparks—hearts out of these fleshy creatures, became defensive. As one of the teens pulled out their key and began to reach towards his dirt-covered paint job, Stinger prepaired to ram into them until a voice shouted out.

"Hey!" You yelled loudly. "Leave the car alone, you idiots!" The teens frightened by your sudden appearance, made a run for it out of the woods. You huffed, wiping some sweat off of your brow from the beating sun above you. You turned to the car and smiled slightly. "Well look at you, handsome. A nice car wash and a quick check up and you'll be as good as new."

Stinger wanted to deny it, but he almost let his engine roar in delight at your words. Being fixed? Aka, being able to defend himself? Hell. Yes.

You quickly went to your house and grabbed the necessary things to get the car to your house not far away. After a half an hour you came back with your big manly truck and attached Stinger, who felt so violated during the entire process.

After another thirty minutes you managed to make it home. You pulled Stinger into the garage next to your house and closed the garage door and locking it. It was late and you just wanted to eat and sleep; the car could wait until tomorrow.

The next day you woke up and walked to the car. Deciding that fixing the car was more important than cleaning it, you popped open the hood. You swear you felt the engine shiver under your fingertips, but brushed it off as your imagination. This car has been sitting there for who knows how long? And it can just suddenly move it's engine? Nope. I don't think so.

After giving the engine a quick cleaning you began your work.

Overall the engine was a good one, it had all the needed—and expensive—upgrades to make it go faster, along with other small things here and there. After fixing the engine so it would work, you did a quick check of the car itself. You were walking around it when you saw something metal sticking out from under it. Confused as to why you hadnt seen it before, you crouched down and poked at it.

The car seemed to shake and you pulled back before hesitantly reaching out. You gripped the piece of metal firmly before tugging on it, forcing it out of the car.

With a roar that almost seemed to shake the ground around you, the car in front of you pulled forwards—on its own—and transformed.

You screamed as the giant red beast stared down at you. You quickly turned and ran, sprinting away from the...thing...and whatever weapons you most defiantly knew it had.

Before you could even make it out the door, it grabbed you around the waist, being surprisingly gentle. You stopped screaming and squirmed around in the robots grasp until it growled at you quietly.

You slowly calmed down, not wanting the robot to make you go squish. His engine hummer quietly, it almost sounded pleased.

"C-Can you talk?" You stuttered out quietly. His eyes scanned you for a second before he nodded. "What? Do you not trust me." He shook his head. "No you do trust me? Or no you don't trust me?"

He seemed to roll his eyes before the light in them went dark for a few seconds. After a while they brightened up and he pointed at himself with his free hand. He looked at me intently and I looked at him, confused, until I realized what he wanted.

"You," he moved his hand so it was in a thumbs up position. "Thumbs up?" He whirled angrily and shook his head. Someone has anger issues. "Like?" He paused before shrugging while nodding and then pointing at me. "Me?" He nodded. "You like me?"

I couldn't tell if I should be tense or relaxed now. I mean he said he liked me, but what did that mean for me? Would he kidnap me? Please don't let that be the case.

It was quiet for a moment until the robot set you down and transformed back into its sleek-looking car, popping open it's own hood. You paused for a few seconds until you edged closer to the car. As you began to finish your work from before, picking up any needed tools as you worked, you asked questions. "What's your name?"

It was quiet for a moment before a deep voice responded. It sounded like it was coming from the radio, but you couldn't be sure. "Stinger."

"Nice name." You responded, focused on working.


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