Submissive!Bumblebee x Master!Reader

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Requested by Sssing347 (what a hoe)
Based off of tfp


You sat on the couch in the ledge for Jack, Raf, and Miko to hang out on. Raf and Miko were playing a car racing game—which you going very ironic considering you were friends with aliens that turned into cars—and you were secretly watching Bumblebee.

You and Bumblebee had been together for a few months now. No one knew about you two and you both didn't want them to know. Especially because of the type of relationship you had.

The first week of you two dating was awkward. Bumblebee felt like he had to be overly dominate since he was much taller than you. You felt uncomfortable letting someone else be dominate, and it made your stomach all queasy whenever he did something dominate. Not a good queasy, a bad queasy. It made you honestly contemplate breaking up with the poor mech. But before you could, he confessed first.

"I don't like being dominate," he had blurted out in whirls and beeps before slapping his servos over his mouth and crouching away from you slightly. You stared at him with wide eyes, blinking slowly. What? "I mean, forget it. It doesn't matter. Nevermind"

"Wait, no!" You called up to him, holding your hand out to attempt to stop him. To your surprise, he actually stopped and stared at you. His wide and innocent optics made you want to protect him forever. "I—I agree. Not in that I don't like being dominate, but that I like being the dominate one in the relationship. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and that I made you uncomfortable, I just thought that..."

"I'd be dominate?"

"Yeah," you muttered quietly, tilting your head down and blushing slightly. "I'm sorry."

He sat down next to you and slowly placed his servo next to you. You sat down too and placed your hand in his robotic palm. You rubbed your thumb over a grove—even though he probably couldn't feel it—and sighed.

"It's okay, (Y/N)." He beeped softly to you. You smiled and shifted so you were sitting on his servo, resting your head against his forearm.

"Thanks, Bumblebee." You replied quietly, placing gentle kisses wherever you could reach from your relaxed position. You think he felt them because he whirled in embarrassment, making you smirk slightly.

You snapped out of your throughts why Bumblebee whirling, slightly begging for your attention. You looked up at him and hummed questioningly. "Yeah, Bee?"

He beeped again, which your brain seemed to instantly translate. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" He said, his tone somewhat sheepish. You smiled and nodded, stepping into his servo and letting him lift you up to his shoulders. Once he carried you around the corner, you placed a kiss on his cheek. When he whirled in fake annoyance, you smirked and lent your head onto his neck. "What were you thinking about?" He asked lowly while walking to his berthroom.

You smiled and nuzzled into him slightly, laughing when he buzzed in embarrassment. "I don't know. Everything. Nothing."

You felt him try to shift to look at you but stopping when he realized it was useless. "What do you mean?"

You chuckled lightly and sighed. "Nothing, Bee. Just thinking."

He sighed, causing you to—wobbly—stand and rub the side of his forehead. You placed a kiss there, smiling with your lips still pressed against his helm when he blushed. "I'm fine, Bee. Stop worrying so much."

He chuckled along with you, shaking his shoulders slightly on accident. You held onto a random piece of metal to stay upright, causing him to beep in surprise. You quickly pulled away, looking at him in concern. You placed your hands back on his cheek, making him turn to you. "Are you alright?"

He whirled sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright. It just, shocked me. Audio receptors are...sensitive."

You stared at him for a second before smiling, letting out a small laugh. "My bad, Bee. I'll watch where I grab next time."

Bumblebee blushes slightly, but nodded anyways. "Alright."

You smiled despite him being obviously uncomfortable. He was so adorable, everything about him made you want to hold him tight and never let go. A small part of you wished he was the same size as you so you could hold him tight and never let go, but the other, larger part of you knew you liked Bee the way he was. You liked being able to place your palm on his cheek and calm him down. You liked being able to sit on his shoulder and cuddle into his neck cables to take a nap. Bumblebee was...perfect, to say the least. You knew it sounded cheesy, but you loved it. You loved him.

You sighed happily, moving to sit down and lent against his neck again. The car smell felt almost suffocating, but you had gotten used to it by now. You felt him shift and hummed at him questioningly.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"

"Yeah Bee," you sighed blissfully. "I'm alright. Perfectly alright."

Bee stared at the wall, very confused. Were you alright? Why were you saying that? It sounded weird. What was the word you used? Cheesy? He sighed and looked down at his lap, smiling to himself. He didn't care. He loved you. His little Dom. You had taught him what that meant and demanded he call you that on occasion. He didn't really get it, but he agreed. What else would he do, say no? Why? He had no reason to, anyway.

He sighed again and tried to glanced at you out of the corner of his optic. You were wonderful. Absolutely amazing. He was so glad you happened to work and be friends with Jack. He was so glad he was able to even meet you. He loved you, deeply, and knew you felt the same. He couldn't live without you, and didn't even want to imagine it.

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