Chapter 5- Kakashi's Final Decision!

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'Normal thought… '

"Kyuubi speech… "

''Normal speech…''

Jutsu name…


At training ground 7...

Just then, with a poof of smoke, Kakashi was gone and in his place was a stump with shuriken bored into it. Naruko's eyes widened at that and she sighed in relief. 'I'm glad he's okay.... Even tho that was sort of mean to me!' She pouted at that.

Sasuke currently ran through the trees. 'Damn! Another Kawarimi no Jutsu? He must have found out my location with those shuriken! He purposely lowered his guard! Serves me right…I fell for the trap.' Sasuke kicked a stone angrily.

Near him, in some bushes, Kakashi looked at Sasuke. ''So, he's over there, eh…'' He grasped inside his bag.

Sakura dashed after Sasuke. 'Sasuke-kun…where are you?! Don't tell me Kakashi-sensei already… No! That couldn't happen to Sasuke-kun, right?!' She began to panic. Suddenly she came to a clearing and there stood Kakashi reading his little orange book with 'plotline'... Definitely not porn, no uh.... Sakura sighed spotted him and hid behind the bushes. 'Safe. He didn't notice me.'

"Sakura, behind you.'' Kakashi's voice sounded from behind her.

''Huh?'' She turned around, just to see Kakashi standing there. Shortly after, a scream echoed through the trees.

Back to Naruko…

''Urgh! I will never fall for that trap again!'' She crossed her arms with a pout before she cut the rope that was holding her upside down and jumped to the ground. She just sighed at that relieved. 'Okay, noe onto what to do next... Something is up with just the two bells... It's kinda suspicious-' "Kyaaa!" Just then another trap was activated and Naruko was hanging upside down... again. 'Urgh... A trap right underneath the last trap... Smart Kashi, smart.... But still...' She just sighed and looked at the sky sulkily, totally forgetting about her last thoughts that were going in the direction of the right solution for the test.

Back by Sakura and Kakashi…

Kakashi did a hand sign and suddenly leaves swirled around Sakura. Just as that, it suddenly stopped swirling and now Sakura stood alone in the clearing. ''What was that? Huh?! Hold on! Where's sensei? Huh?! What's going on?! Huh?! What's what?!'' Sakura grasped her hair and looked around confused.

''Sakura…'' Sasuke's voice came from behind her.

She turned around and smiled cheerily. ''Sasuke-kun?....!''

Sasuke knelt on the floor, bleeding briskly and cluttered with kunai's. ''Sa…Saku…ra…'' He gasped for air. ''P-please…help…me…''

Sakura's eyes widened in horror and she just screamed horrorified and fainted.

Kakashi was casually perched on a tree branch above the scene, reading his Icha, Icha book. ''Maybe I went a little overboard…Nah, it's really something she should notice…'' He whistled innocently while idly flipping to another page of his book.

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