Chapter 100- Catch up to Sasuke at any cost!

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'Normal thought…'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech…"

'Kurama communicating with Naru inside her head…'

'Kurama's thought's, Naru can't hear…'

"Normal speech…"

Jutsu name


Kiba, Neji, Naru and Shikamaru rushed forward. Naru looked worried back, feeling suddenly like Choji was in severe danger and about to do something dangerous. She bit on her lip and looked back forward. 'I'm sorry Choji…. I promise I will bring Sasuke back! Your sacrifice will not be wasted!'

Shikamaru just stopped and marked the trees they went past. "….Because…he promised… He's definitely going to defeat the opponent and come after us!" He said with a determined smile.

Naru smiled at that. "Yes." 'I just hope he isn't going to be too badly injured…'

Kiba smirked. "That's right…. He can do it." Akamaru barked in agreement and Neji smiled.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get Sasuke back before Choji catches up!" Shikamaru said determined and they continued to rush forward.

Naru narrowed her eyes utterly serious. "Yes." She said that calmly, resembling her father in battle modus and making the group feel stronger for some reason.

Kurama nodded in agreement and took a deep breath. Despite him believing in his kit's strength, he didn't have a good feeling with this.

After a while of them just rushing forward, Shikamaru's eyes widened suddenly as he could swear he saw a butterfly…that reminded him of Choji. He looked after it in shock.

Naruko felt chills on her back and looked at the horrified and shocked Shikamaru worried. "….What's wrong?" A sad and bad feeling rushed through her and she started sweating. 'Kurama…?!' She asked him in panic.

Kurama was silent and sighed. '…. It's the Akimichi…. His presence just vanished…. This either means he passed out because of completely tiring himself out…he's badly injured …..or he…...'

Naru's eyes widened at that and she bit on her lip, utterly worried. 'Choji….' She gritted her teeth as distress whirled up inside her and stirred Kurama's malicious chakra. She clenched her fist determined. 'Thank you Choji! I promise… I will not let it get to waste! I will drag Sasuke back to the village!'

They rushed forward for another while, until Akamaru informed Kiba about something.

"It's close…" He told them and Neji activated his Byakugan and scanned the area.

"That's strange…. There hasn't been a trap set in a while." Neji said thoughtfully. "Shikamaru, what do you think?"

Naru just looked calmly ahead at that, way too determined to let them be stopped right now, not after what Choji did for them.

Shikamaru threw a short look at Naru before looking ahead seriously. "We're being underestimated. Those guys think the only one following them is that big guy. They don't need to set a trap for their man."

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