Chapter 75- Naruko finally meets Tsunade!

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'Normal thought...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kyuubi communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

'Kyuubi's thoughts, Naruko can't hear...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko blinked confused as she stared at the demolished Tanzaku's castle that was just a heap of rubble now. "...What's going on?"

Jiraiya just started to frown and shook his head in confusion. "...I have no idea."

Suddenly, a man was running past the roof there were standing on while panting in panic.

"Oi, you over there! Wait up! What happened here?" Jiraiya shouted towards the man.

The man stopped and looked at them in panic. "You two better get out of here! There's a huge monster up there!" He shouted at them in warning.

Naruko tilted her head curiously at that. "...Monster? What kind of monster? Is it cute?"

Jiraiya just sweat dropped at Naruko's question before looking at the man seriously. "What monster was it?"

"A HUGE SNAKE! It obliterated the castle within seconds!" The man shouted in fear and panic.

Jiraiya just narrowed his eyes utterly serious at that. '...Orochimaru!'

"...S-Snake....?" Naruko stuttered out before shuddering as she remembered the snake that 'ate' her back in the Forest of Death. "I've seen such a monster snake before as well! I hate snakes! They're disgusting... and creepy... And destroy my favorite jackets!"

"Naru, let's hurry! That snake is probably the same you've encountered..." Jiraiya told her utterly serious as he started to walk away.

".....The s-same snake....." Naruko shuddered again before her eyes widened in horror and she jumped at Jiraiya and started to clutch onto his back. "NUUU! Snakes are scary! I don't wanna see that snake ever again! I don't wanna go where that snake is!" She shouted with tears in her eyes.

Kyuubi just sweat dropped. '... Traumatized by snakes, huh? Well... after what happened I can understand your pathetic fear brat... But I WOULD LOVE TO TEAR THAT SNAKE AND SNAKE BASTARD APART AND THEN BURN THEIR REMAINING PIECES TO ASHES!'

"Naru! The hell?! Get off and come on. We need to hurry..." Jiraiya tried to pry her off him so they quickly can get to where Orochimaru and probably Tsunade were.

"Waah! Nooooo... I don't wanna... Snakes are creepy. And they always try to destroy my jackets~" Naruko just whined and clutched closer to his back while sniffing... making them look like a mother monkey and it's baby.

Jiraiya's eyebrow just started to twitch at that in annoyance before he sighed. 'Great...! Now Naru-chan is afraid of snakes...The hell happened when Orochimaru showed up in the Chunin Exam?!...' "Okay, you know what Naru? I will protect ya from the snake, but we really need to go now." He told her with another sigh... Geez, they have to freaking hurry.

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