'Normal thought...'
"Kyuubi/Bijuu speech..."
"Normal speech..."
Jutsu name...
Naruko's alarm clock sounded loudly through the silence in her apartment.
Naruko groggily opened her eyes. "Oh, shut up..." She hit the button on the alarm clock and so turned it off. Then, she laid back down, ready to sleep some more. 'Wait a moment...' She thought sleepily. "Today is the tournament!" Naru shouted in realization and sat up straight. "I can't believe I wanted to continue sleeping!" She threw her blanket off her and jumped up. "Yatta! Ready to kick some butts!"
Sometime later...
Naruko walked cheerfully through the streets of Konoha, dressed in her normal attire.
"The first match features Hyuuga Neji, right?" A man who was walking before her said to his companion.
Naruko narrowed her eyes and continued listening to their conversation.
"Yeah. He was last year's number one rookie. His opponent really has little chance."
The other man laughed. "Yes. I can't even remember who his opponent was... but it will be just a loser anyway."
Naruko rolled her eyes at that. 'Konoha villagers are as simpleminded as ever.' She shook her head and took a right turn. 'I'm going to show them that a loser can win.' And with that she stormed to the training area, where Team Seven became Genin back then.
As Naruko arrived at the training area, she sighed in nostalgia. "Everything looks the same. It wasn't even so long ago that everything happened, but it feels like it was ages ago..."
'Wow, you sound like an old lady...' Kyuubi's amused voice sounded through her head.
'Oh, shut up, Kyuu! Says the right one, oh ancient creature...' Naruko thought in annoyance. "Huh?" She turned around to the three tree stumps just to see Hinata standing there. "Oh, Hinata-chan!" She smiled cheerily and waved at her.
"N-Naruko-chan." Hinata greeted her and smiled at her shyly.
"How are you doing? I hope you're doing better." Naruko asked her as she walked towards her.
"Yes. T-Thank you for asking, Naruko-chan." Hinata smiled a bit more brightly. "But what are you doing here? Aren't today the main matches?"
Naruko smiled softly and looked around the training area. "Well, I wanted to see this training area... You know, because everything started here."
"I see." Hinata smiled knowingly.
"Ah!" Naruko shouted in realization and looked seriously back at Hinata. "I wanted to ask you something before the matches begin. Neji is your relative, right?"
"Y-Yes..." Hinata said timidly, not knowing where Naruko wanted to go with that.
"Well, do I have your permission to beat him up for good?" Naruko gave her a foxy smile. "With all his smug talk, I think he needs to be beaten up good, so he can change for the better."

nαrukσ's αdvєnturєs
FanficEverybody knows Naruko's goal: She wants to be the best Hokage ever! But she is still a petty genin. Therefore, she has a long and dangerous path to go, till her dream can become true. But Naruko feels confident and with the help of her friends and...