Chapter 64- Danger enters Konoha! S-rank Nuke-nins arrive!

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'Normal thought...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kyuubi communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko sighed as she was walking through Konoha's streets. "Pakkun... why did I agree to this again?"

Pakkun just looked at her from his place on top of her head. "Well, after you cuddled with me and the others, Kakashi asked you to go on a walk with us and you agreed with excitement..."

"Yeah, but I didn't know it would be like this..." Naruko whined, while trying to hold onto the leashes of the seven other ninken, who all tried to go into another direction. "Bull, no! You can't just pee there!" Naruko scolded the biggest ninken of Kakashi, just as he wanted to pee on a food booth. Suddenly with a jerk, Naruko was being pulled back by a light brown dog with white marks around his eyes and snout. "Waah! Urushi don't just stop so suddenly!" She scolded him with a whine.

'Pfffttt... Bahahahaha! That's hilarious! Hilarious!' Kyuubi laughed at her in amusement as he was watching everything that was going on in glee.

'Kyuu, you're not helping!' Naruko snapped at him utterly annoyed. "Pakkun~ Please say something to them~" She asked the littlest dog on her head.

"I don't think I can help you, Naru. It's been ages since they got to go on walk with somebody. They're just too excited." Pakkun answered her nonchalant, hidden amusement twinkled in his eyes.

"But-" Naruko wanted to insist, knowing Pakkun could talk some sense into them, as suddenly the seven dogs stopped. "What's going on...?" She asked utterly confused... and then looked up. Her eyes widened in panic as she saw a female dog walk across the street before them. "Uh oh, don't tell me-" And just as suddenly as they stopped, Naruko was pulled forward at rapid pace from seven ninja dogs who were storming after the female dog. "Kyaaa!" She shouted as she was being dragged through Konoha's streets.

"Huh?" Konohamaru looked away from the Sandaime's stone face as he heard a ruckus that was getting closer to him. "Wha?!" He shouted surprised as he saw how seven ninja dogs turned around the corner, racing after a female dog that stormed past him just a minute ago, while dragging a panicking Naruko after them. "Naruko-nee?!" Konohamaru shouted in surprise.

'HAHAHAHAHA! I-I can't anymore....' Kyuubi's laughter was roaring loudly in her head.

Naruko's eyebrow began to twitch at that. "I HAVE ENOUGH! YOU ALL ARE GOING TO STOP RIGHT NOW!" She snapped at the dogs while a dark aura began to surround her and so, she stemmed with all her weight against the direction the seven dogs were pulling here. The ninken heads snapped around to her at that and they all sat down on the ground like the well-behaved dogs they are, while looking at her innocently. Naruko sighed in relief and sank to the ground in exhaustion. "I'm going to kill Kashi the next time I see him for thinking it's a good idea to let me go on a walk with all of his dogs... Please remind me of that Pakkun..." She groaned.

"Sure." Pakkun said from her head with a smile.

"Naruko-nee!" Konohamaru shouted as he walked towards her and the mob of dogs. "What are you doing?"

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