Chapter 95- The calm before the storm

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'Normal thought...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kurama communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

'Kurama's thoughts, Naruko can't hear...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Sasuke meanwhile, was sitting on a tree branch and staring angrily and gloomily to the ground, as he remembered what he saw at the backside of the hospital... The water tank Naruko hit with her Jutsu had an enormous hole at the back of it that almost tore it apart. He tsked as he remembered getting beaten up by his older brother Itachi. Sasuke clenched his fist at that. 'What have I been doing until now?!'

Then, all of the sudden, Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise as a shuriken flew past him, just before he was bound to the tree with chakra strings. He glared angrily up to Kakashi, who stood in front of him casually, but with a very serious look in his lone eye.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sasuke sneered at the Hatake.

"If I don't do this, you'll run away...right?" He told him casually in his lazy voice. "You're not one to listen quietly to lectures."

Sasuke just tsked at that. Kakashi just continued to stare down at him seriously. "Sasuke... Forget about something like revenge."


"Well, in this business... I've seen a stink of guys like you. But the final days of those who speak of revenge are never good. They're tragic. You'll only hurt yourself and agonize more than now. Even if you succeed in revenge, all that will remain is emptiness."

"Shut up!" Sasuke shouted at him angrily. "What do you know?! Don't talk to me as if you know!"

"Well, calm down..." Kakashi told him lazily, but it took every ounce of his self-control to not roll his eyes at Sasuke's behavior.... Wow, Naru really starts to rub off on him.

"If you like..." Sasuke started to threaten him in a dark voice. "...shall I go and kill the person most important to you?! You'll be able to realize how far off you are on what you just said!"

"Well, you could certainly try to kill a stone, if it gives you fun." Kakashi eyesmiled at that. "Everyone I once cared about already got killed." He told him easily, but seriously.

Sasuke's eyes widened at that in surprise and sweat started to run down his face.

"I've lived longer than you have... the times were not good. I know all too well the agony of losing someone..."

Sasuke stared to the ground at that, not having expected that at all.

"Well, both of us are not the luckiest ones, that's for darned sure. But we're not the worst either. You and I, we both have found new dear comrades and important people, haven't we?" Kakashi explained to him seriously, and his mind couldn't help but think about Naru as he tried to make Sasuke realize the brute truth of his words.

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