Chapter 90- Catch up to Fukusuke, Idate!

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'Normal thoughts...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kurama communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

'Kurama's thoughts, Naruko can't hear...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko sweatdropped as she stopped in front of A LOT of stairs leading really straight high up. "...Do we have to get up here, Idate-nii?"

"Yes, sorry. These stairs are also known as 'The heartbreaking stone stairs'. So be careful." Idate told her seriously.

Naru pouted. "But why so much staiiiiirs?!" She whined out before sighing. "Here goes nothing then, I guess." And with that, she dashed up the stairs as quickly as possible.

Sakura and Sasuke reached the beginning of the stairs and looked after Naruko storming upwards, while trying to catch their breath.

"Hey now...You've got to be kidding me..." Sakura muttered in disbelief.

"What stamina she has..." Sasuke looked after her with narrowed eyes. 'Tsk... How can it be that she has more stamina than me...'

Meanwhile, Naru was still racing up those stairs. "Geez... How much longer....?!" She whined out.

'Stop your damn complaining kit. Those puny stairs are nothing for my Jinchuuriki!' Kurama roared at her.

'Shut up, Kurama! You don't know how annnyoing stairs are! I bet you never had to go up some stairs, right?!' Naruko huffed back at him in her mind.

'... Okay, fair point.' Kurama admitted with a grumble.

Idate just looked at Naruko's blonde, almost golden hair that was practically in his face as he had to hold tightly onto her while she was carrying him piggyback style. "Oi, you..."

Naru blinked at that as she was ripped out of her mental connection with Kurama and concentrated back on running upstairs without tripping. "Yes, Idate-nii?"

"Just to avoid any confusion, it's not like I trust you yet or anything." Idate told her with a huff.

Naruko just rolled her eyes at that. "Sure, Sure. I don't care." She told him with a fond sigh. Because geez... What the hell is with all those people declining their real emotions all the time... It was getting annnyoing.

Idate huffed at that before he remembered Naruko's truthful and determined words, that motivated him to keep going. He looked to the ground thoughtfully and sadly at that. "During the Chunin exam..." He suddenly spoke up.

Naruko looked surprised back to him. "Huh?"

"You said there was a tenth question they asked, right?" He asked her seriously.

Naru blinked at that before she sighed softly. "Yes. It was a really weird question, asking us if we want to continue the Exam and have to answer a tenth question or if we want to give up."

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