Chapter 68- Get stronger faster and the most hilarious duo!

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'Normal thoughts...'

"Kyuubi/Bijuu speech..."

'Kyuubi communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

'Kyuubi's thoughts, Naruko can't hear...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko stared in shock at the pulsating, pink, flesh-like structure that was covering the ground, walls and ceiling. "EEEEEWWWW! NOOOO, SAVE ME!" She suddenly cried out in panic. "I don't wanna be in the stomach of an old pervert....!" Naru began to cry anime tears and just as she wanted to sink depressed to the ground, she remembered the flesh-like pulsating structure that was covering the ground. "EWWW! NO! I don't want to be inside Ero-Sennin! That's something I didn't want to experience at all!" She shouted in utterly panic and jumped on Jiraiya, clutching tightly to his neck, because she didn't want to touch this flesh-like structure of 'Jiraiya's stomach'. Kyuubi just sweat dropped at that.

"Oi, Naru! Go away! I can't see anything!" Jiraiya shouted at her in annoyance as she was covering his face and he began to try desperately to get her off his face.

"Eww... I hate this." Naru just sobbed while clutching more tightly to Jiraiya.

Itachi's end of his mouth twitch up at that in amusement before he stared seriously at the flesh like walls.

"OI! NARU! FINALLY GET DOWN, GOD DAMMIT!" Jiraiya shouted at her in annoyance. "This is my Jutsu! We are in the stomach of one of my toad summons!"

"Huh... Oh, well. Then it's alright." Naruko shrugged and got down from Jiraiya who sighed in relief until...

"OI, WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH IT'S OKAY TO BE IN THE STOMACH OF A TOAD BUT NOT IN MY STOMACH?!" He shouted at her utterly flabbergasted as a tick mark appeared on his head.

"Easy..." Naruko looked at him with a deadpan expression, as if it was the clearest thing in the world. "Because I never EVER want to be inside a pervert."

Kyuubi snorted at that while Jiraiya's eye began to twitch. "What the hell is that kind of a logic?!"

Itachi just shook his head in fondness while Kisame sweat dropped. "Kisame, come here!" Itachi called for him as he stormed away from the two. Kisame pulled his sword out of the flesh structure and ran after Itachi.

"Huh?!" Naruko shouted in confusion and looked after the two.

"No one has ever escaped from this place!" Jiraiya shouted after them and slammed his hands onto the ground.

Kisame began to sweat as he followed after Itachi while they stormed towards the window at the far end of the hallway covered in flesh. 'The walls of flesh on both sides are gradually closing in!' Kisame noticed as he looked back and saw how the walls are slowly beginning to close them in. "It seems that the walls of flesh are moving faster than we thought." Kisame told his partner seriously. Itachi just closed his eyes and concentrated.

Jiraiya's eyes widened in alarm as suddenly a shockwave blew past him and Naruko.

"W-What was this?!" Naruko asked utterly confused.

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