Chapter 101- Naruko vs. Kimimaro!

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'Normal thought....'

"Kyuubi/Bijuu speech...."

'Kurama communicating with Naru inside her head...'

'Kurama's thought's, Naru can't hear....'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko glared fiercely at Kimimaro, the flames around her liking on the ground and burning the grass. "I won't let you take Sasuke away.... I promised it to everyone!" She narrowed her eyes and clenched her fist as the flames around her intensified and grew bigger.

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes at her slightly. 'That weird chakra... She definitely is the one Orochimaru-sama wanted to have.... However, he also said it wouldn't be bad if she gets killed.....' He unzipped his jacket and let it slide down his shoulder before a bone started to emerge from his shoulder.

Naru's eyes widened at that. "...His bone....?!"

Kurama growled lowly. 'Be careful kit... This is his Kekkai Genkai....'

Kimimaro pulled the bone out of his body and held it like a sword in front of him. "Let's see how you will go against my bone sword. It is harder than steel, so don't even think of trying to break it." He told her calmly while his muscles tensed.

Naruko just bit on her lip and pounced at him. "Then I will just burn your bone to crisps!" She shouted and aimed a punch at him as she appeared right in front of him.

Kimimaro gracefully ducked down and just as he wanted to swipe at her, he noticed the fire stretching towards him. He quickly back flipped away from her as the end of his hair got burnt slightly. "I see... This fire isn't just surrounding you, you can manipulate it."

".....Well, in a way." She told him casually before jumping towards him again, this time however, she had to lean back or would have gotten her head separate from her body as Kimimaro slashed at her. "....Phew. That was close."

Kurama sweat dropped and a tick mark appeared on his head. 'ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED, KIT?!'

Naru huffed as she ducked down and dodged the wide range slashes of Kimimaro as it looked like he danced in the air. "Not the time Kurama... This is not the time...." The flames around her flickered as if going out any minute and she bit on her lip as it was hard to maintain Kurama's chakra surrounding her protectively. "Argh!" She just shouted and rushed at Kimimaro again, appearing above him in the air before she appeared behind him and aimed a kick at him, her flames so shooting towards the Sound nin.

Kimimaro however just easily jumped into the air to dodge her flames and swiped at her with his bone sword once more. Naru tsked annoyed and backflipped away before doing pirouette in midair and landing on the ground with both her feet firmly placed there and both hands slamming onto the earth. Flames shot from her hands towards Kiminaro and the sound nin's eyes widened as his pants leg got burned before he back flipped away as well.

The earth and grass sizzled as the flames vanished and Naru clenched her fist as the fire around her flickered heavily for a moment and growing smaller while her jacket slowly started to burn on the end of her sleeve as she wasn't able to control Kurama's chakra anymore. 'I can't hold it up any longer.... Not good...' Her eyes widened as she noticed a dark chakra presence and her head shot to Sasuke's coffin which was leaking purple, dark chakra.

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