Chapter 77- Tsunade's and Naruko's bet!

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'Normal thought...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kyuubi communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


Naruko and Tsunade faced each other on a deserted street outside of the sake-bar. The two looked seriously at each other. Naruko was smiling foxily while already thinking about a strategy.

Jiraiya just sighed sufferingly, knowing there was probably no way to stop their immature little fight. 'Why the hell does it always have to end in a stupid little fight?!'

Tsunade just smirked at Naruko teasingly. "Even tho I look like this, I was one of the legendary Sannin's. I can't get serious with a little gaki like you." She told her easily.

Naruko just raised an eyebrow at that, her foxy smirk deepened. "Well, I guess that might sound reasonable... Or maybe you're just too afraid of using your full strength because you really don't want to hurt me, huh, Tsuna-baa...?"

Tsunade just huffed at that. "If you think that's the reason, gaki... Keep having your illusions." She smirked cheekily at her. "But whatever you say, I will keep you on with this." Tsunade told her seriously while she lifted one of her fingers.

Naruko looked at the finger before looking back to Tsunade. "Fine with me I guess..." And without another word, Naruko charged at her as she drew a kunai.

Jiraiya wanted to face-palm at that because like...really?! Charge right at the enemy?! Is his goddaughter serious right now?!

Tsunade just huffed and ducked down under Naruko's swipe with the kunai as she appeared in front of her.

Unknowingly to the two Sannin, Naruko had already made a plan to how to deal with Tsunade. 'First, find out which strength she has, so I can get to the counter attack...' Naruko thought seriously while Tsunade wriggled the kunai out of her hands with one of her fingers.

With a powerful thrust upwards, Tsunade swiped Naruko's hitai-ate off her head and the kunai as well as her hitai-ate went flying high into the air. Naruko was thrown back a bit from the impact of that, but Tsunade noticed that when she could have jumped away, she did not use that opportunity and in fact seemed to willingly let it slip past her. But not thinking much more of it, Tsunade quickly flicked Naruko's forehead and sent her flying back from that impact of the flick.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune shouted in shock, but before Naruko could crash onto the ground, she did a back-flip in the air and landed on her feet.

Naruko suddenly looked up with a foxy grin, and they could see how the bruise from Tsunade's flick on her forehead disappeared as it was completely healed in a matter of seconds. "Thanks, Tsuna-baa... Now I kinda have an idea to what strength you can use with one finger." She said seriously while straightened herself and then took a step back to avoid the kunai that just bored into the ground in front of her, before she held out her hand and caught her hitai-ate that 'fell down from the sky'.

Jiraiya grinned proudly at that while Shizune looked at her in surprise. Tsunade studied her seriously before she couldn't help but smirk in fondness. "Not bad, gaki. Even though this strategy is absolutely reckless and would have gotten any other than you killed. But I guess with your advanced healing, this could be a profitable use."

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