Chapter 55- Sasuke finally arrives! The final match can begin!

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'Normal thought...'

"Kyuubi/ Bijuu speech..."

'Kyuubi communicating with Naruko inside her head...'

"Normal speech..."

Jutsu name...


'Thirty more seconds...' Genma thought as he looked at his pocket watch.

'Sasuke-kun... Please come....' Sakura prayed.

Naruko jumped up and walked back and forward, impatiently. "Sasuke-teme, hurry up! If you don't come, I swear I'm going to beat you and this masked idiot to a pulp!"

Shikamaru sweat dropped at that. 'Does Naru really think, Sasuke will come quicker when she threatens him? ...Well, but it would work with me, I guess....' He sighed and muttered troublesome.

'Time is up. I guess that's it.' Genma thought seriously. 'Looks like someone will get beaten up by a certain blonde kitsune...' "About the final match..." He began to announce. "Time is up, so..."

Suddenly, with a whirlwind of leaves, Kakashi and Sasuke appeared in the middle of the arena, right in front of Naruko.

Naru sighed in relief. 'Finally... Just as Sasuke-teme was about to get disqualified...'

"See? He's here." Gaara said nonchalant to his siblings.

"I'm sorry we're late." Kakashi said easily and eye-smiled.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouted utterly relieved and happily.

Naruko wanted to cheer as well. "Yatta-" She shouted cheerily before she realized that she's angry at Kakashi. She pouted and looked away from him, while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Shikamaru just sweat dropped at that reaction. 'Yep, Naru's definitely angry at Kakashi... She's even giving him the 'silent-treatment', I saw kaa-san giving tou-san a while ago... I wonder what he did to get Naru this sulkily.'

Kakashi just looked at Naruko in confusion. 'Why is Naru-chan this unenthusiastically? Normally she would run around cheerfully and be happy at our arrival... Did something happen?'

Genma smirked and looked at Sasuke. "Name?"

"Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke said sternly.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squealed utterly happily.

"He made it in time." Lee noticed as he and Gai now stood on the grand stand right next to Ino, Choji and Sakura.

"Lee-san." Sakura looked up to him in surprise. The crowd began to cheer loudly in excitement.

Shikamaru sighed as he looked at Sasuke. 'Geez, he caused a lot of trouble for us and doesn't even look sorry at all.'

Naruko now looked at Sasuke with a foxy grin on her face, fully ignoring Kakashi. "Really, Sasuke-teme?! You were so awfully late that they were going to disqualify you baka. I didn't know you were that afraid of fighting me~" She teased him.

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