Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

There was almost a ghostly feeling to the club when there was no deafening music and no-one dancing and everything was being tidied up, but there was some life in the club.

Faye trudged up the stairs to the VIP section and into the back for the office. Elaine sat behind the large desk that took up most of the office, going over the books with a lot of care; she was the only one who would re-check the books when anyone else did them.

“So what do you want with me if you are doing the books?” Faye asked as she leant on the wall facing the desk.

Elaine quickly looked up and brushed her blond fringe out of her eyes. “I just need your order form for the bars,” she said and went back to the books in front of her.

Faye mock saluted and pushed off the wall. She didn't want to explain why she and Percy never filled out an order form, nor did she want to explain to Elaine what they used instead; she had seen what the pair did and it didn’t need explaining, so she went off to figure out what went wrong in her bars. Most clubs would use do all the stocking electronically but because their club had two bars, they thought it would be much easier doing separate lists until they needed a restock.

She growled in frustration when she couldn't even find a drink list in the lower bar; her bar was smaller and wasn't used as much, so she knew what needed restocking, but the main bar, she had no clue want was needed. She pulled out her phone and called Percy while she searched the cupboard for the clipboard.

“What's up Fay-be?” Percy asked through a yawn, Faye could imagine him still in bed with his dark hair all messed up, but he could use her nickname as much as he wants and try to butter her up, she was still mad.

“Where the hell did you put the order list?” she asked and started pulling half empty bottles out of the cupboard.

“Don't we normally order tomorrow when everything is quiet?” he asked, she heard his bed springs protest against his movements, “It's in the same place anyway.”

Faye quickly looked over at the empty space where they always hung up the pad of paper with bottles they needed to order. “Oh you're kidding me,” she whispered, grabbed the small torch they used for power cuts and peered down the crack between the wall and the work top. “No” she whispered, “No,” she moaned and banged her head on the counter. The notepad had found its way down between the counter and the wall. She tried to pray the sheets of paper back up, but only managed to tear off small bits. “We're going to have to do all this again,” she whined down the phone.

Percy laughed nervously, “What is with the ‘we’; I don't get paid extra,” he said, “Plus I can't leave now.”

Faye sighed again and slumped against the work top. “Tell the slut to get out, check her ID in case she's a minor and then get your skinny arse here,” she snapped and quickly disconnected the call.

At least Elaine wasn't going to complain that it was late as Faye worked tirelessly through the entire inventory in the bottom bar, so nothing was a great loss if she got it done then. She pulled all the bottles out and arranged them from fullest to most empty.

She was half way through the cupboard when Ace leant over the bar.

Ace Kelly was one of the two bouncers who manned the doors on the weekend. He was a tall dark man with muscles that stretched most of the shirts he wore.

She quickly glanced at him before looking back at the mess in front of her and racked her fingers through her hair with a sigh; it wouldn't be so long if Percy was there to help. “What's up Ace?” she sighed; it was nice to see him when he wasn't working. He only acted the tough man while working, he was a real softy.

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