Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The following night, after saying goodnight to Colin - after he insisted on taking her out on a date against her wishes - Faye headed downtown to drop in on a man making a lot of people's lives a misery. She kept her knives under her seat and her coat and scarf were in the trunk, and she felt confident that she was going to be just as successful that night as she was the night before.

David Johnson was a landlord to a multi story building with over fifty families and well over a hundred people living in the building. It wasn't the many families in the small building that got him on the police's wanted board; it was the way he was treating his tenants.

He didn't fix anything and it was infested with mould; but the tenants were thankful that it just mould and not small creatures as well- or at least they couldn't see any-, the electrics were poor and some nights would cut out all together that left some families freezing through the night. When someone went to complain, they were beaten up and thrown out of the building; the family wasn't, just the individual who made the complaint and if they complained again, well those people normally disappeared. The rent of a single month was more than some people could afford, but for some it was the only place they could live, so everyone kept their mouths shut and heads down and ignored the mess the building was in.

Faye parked two blocks away from the building and donned on a make shift disguise. She wanted more than a simple confession from Johnson and was hoping this way he would go away from a long time. Although, official complaints were made to the police, he never got to court as the victim suddenly disappeared before the date in court. Let's see how he would make several recordings of different people disappear.

Using the mirror in the visor, Faye struggled into blue colour changing contacts that she kept in her glove compartment, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and grabbed a cap from behind her seat and put that on as well. One last thing; thick framed glasses with a hidden camera in the frames, she also found that they made her head a little bigger with them on. With one last check, she approved that she looked nothing like herself; no-one would be able to tell that she was also the vigilante.

She grabbed a clip board and her recorder and got out the car. She was just going to ask questions and tell them that she was an undercover police woman looking for evidence on David Johnson and would like their opinion on the man, she knew there would be some people wouldn't co-operate but there had to be a few that would and those were the ones who would put Johnson away for a long time.

The apartment block loomed above Faye while she stood at the main doors. It gave off an ominous feeling coming in the half light; if Faye was just walking alone the street alone, she would have quickly walked by with her head down to get away from the creepy look and feel from it.

It took a while to find someone who would listen, let alone talk. Those who did talk ranted on and on about the state of the building and what they would do if they got their hands on Johnson, one or two muttered about being beaten up and had to be smuggled back into the building for somewhere to live, or they know of loved ones who had been beaten up for complaining and were now on the streets, and one young woman with two young children whispered about her husband trying to go to court against Johnson but when he went to make the statement to the police, he never returned home and he missed his court date.

That was all Faye needed to hear and she hoped that was all the police needed to convict him. She scurried back to her car while there was still light and took out her contacts so fast she almost dropped them from the irritation. She didn't want Johnson noticing anything memorable about her, even if it actually didn't resemble her in the slightest.

She drove to the wealthier part of downtown where the buildings were bigger and less of them shared with anyone else. She parked well away from Johnson's large house and watched and waited for all the lights to switch off. He was clever enough not to live with anyone else; or at least that's what Faye was hoping for, she didn't have to think of anyone else in the house as well. She wanted Johnson but if there was someone else it might make it problematic.

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