Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Faye was still bitter when she got home with all weapons accountable; Sam had somehow grabbed her lost knife from somewhere and handed everything back before she got out of the car. She vaguely remembered sorting her leg out before she passed out for the night.

Someone banging on the front door woke Faye from her sleep, making her growl in frustration being pulled from her slumber. She was still half sleep when the shouting started but she couldn’t make out what was being said. She could tell it was Colin shouting but it sounded like Graham who was shouting back.

“Faye Elizabeth Sparrow,” Graham roared when he threw open her bedroom door.

Faye jumped at the sudden noise and the use of her full name. She was still too sleepy to care that Graham looked as if he wanted to kill her and she didn’t notice that Colin was struggling to get in her bedroom, to get in between them.

“I know you are the vigilante,” Graham accused and stepped into the room around Colin and grabbed Faye’s arm, pulling her out of bed.

For a moment Faye’s heart stopped at what he was saying, she thought Tarquin had tattled on her and Graham had figured it out.

“You have no proof Sparrow,” Colin growled and grabbed the other man’s wrist before he could do any damage to Faye, “If you have proof that Faye, you’re only daughter, is the vigilante that would be a different matter, but Faye worked late last night before coming straight home. The only person here committing a crime is you.”

Graham glared at Colin, “You wouldn’t dare arrest me when I am telling you she is the Confessor.” He finally let Faye go and watched her and stood behind Colin, not once did he want to take his eyes off her in case she grabbed a knife or something equally as dangerous. “She tells you she’s working late but in fact she’s not.”

“Evidence,” Colin snapped, “I am not arresting my girlfriend just because you think she’s the Confessor. Give me probable cause for her wanting to go out every night and put herself in danger of getting killed.”

“Ethan Rakes,” Graham spat.

Faye slid her hand into Colin’s and held onto him; she knew she should have finished him off when she had the chance, now she would have to explain everything to Colin and she didn’t know if she had the heart to do that.

“She’s been looking for him for years; it’s a bit convenient that he ends up dead when she claims to have been working.”

“Who’s Ethan Rakes?” she asked timidly to play dumb; so he had died after all either that and he hadn’t figured out who she was. But still something didn’t settle right in her chest at the news, something felt wrong.

Graham growled in frustration, “He’s the guy that killed your Mum,” he snapped.

The way he said it, to Faye it sounded like she had been asking for years about him and it was the same answer he had given her all those times. She gripped Colin’s hand so tight she feared she was hurting him as she tried to fight back the tears; not fake ones that would make her more innocent but actual tears that were choking her. “How long have your known?” she choked and buried her face in Colin’s shoulder when his arm came around her.

“I’ve known for years, did you think I would sit by and do nothing after we buried your Mum; I found his brother and found him that way but couldn’t do anything about it,” he snapped, “But the real question is how long have your known?”

Twenty years; twenty years he knew who killed his wife but did nothing about it. What sort of person would do that? She thought, everything would have been so much easier if he had said something.

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