Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Weeks passed after Ellie Rochester’s kidnapping, not that the public knew when she really was found. In the same news report, the reporter simply said that Tate had died on the way to the hospital. Faye took the news bad when she heard and spent most nights after work beating the stuffing out of her practise dummy until she had to pretend the news didn’t affect her when she returned to Colin’s little bungalow.

Colin really didn’t give her much choice in moving in with him. He turned up one evening while she was working, took all of her stuff and simply left a note with his address. Most days she slept in the spare bedroom after she made Colin some breakfast before he went to work, but there were some occasions when she fell asleep on the sofa and would wake up finding herself in a warm, man smelling bed; those days she would roll in his bed as a little secret.

She stopped going to the police station since she was living with Colin and didn’t have to take him any coffee. He also brought work home with him, leaving it out for Faye to look through while he was either in bed or at work. He would some time discuss some cases he was on; not giving her any names but once she was at the club, it wasn’t hard to find out who he was talking about.

Even though she wasn’t fighting crime while she waited for her arm and bruise to go down, Abby and Sam always sat at Faye’s bar while she worked; both of them were worried about her with good reason but Faye just wanted to growl at the pair when they spoke in low voices about her nocturnal adventures. Abby jittered none stop about how she loved being the nerve system of the operation and where Sam should have told her that she was being stupid and end up in jail; he laughed and said he enjoyed the thrill as well.

One night while everything was quiet, Colin joined them with a sigh and slumped on the stool in front of Faye.

“What's wrong with you?” Faye asked as she placed a bourbon and coke in front of him; heavy on the coke just how he always liked it when he was driving.

He smiled his thanks and took the drink. “It's just work,” he sighed and sipped his drink. “We've gotten nowhere with the kid, he woke up last night and he refuses to talk. We've lowered the sentence but even so he won't give any names unless he talks to the Confessor.”

Faye froze and stared at him while all the while wanting to throttle him for information. “Are you talking about that boy who died on the way to the hospital that kidnapped that Ellie girl?” She asked.

Colin struggled to answer for a minute but decided to just nod. “Technically he did for on route but was revived straight away. We had to tell everyone he died just in case his shooter came back to finish off the job. If what he said to the Confessor is right, it might save his family as well.”

Faye could understand that, but it still didn't stop her from feeling like strangling him for making her worry so much. A weight felt like it had been taken off her shoulders and the urge to hit something wasn't as strong. “So why are you so down in the dumps, you've had tougher criminals that have cracked.”

“Yeah, but none of them were kids. Plus I and several others want to throw the book at him, but with the recording, his sentence has been reduced,” he explained.

“But you wouldn't want to charge him with something he had no control about,” she said but Colin just scowled at her. “Okay, while he's still in hospital, you could scare him so he will think twice about committing another crime.”

He thought over her proposal while he drunk and nodded at the idea. “I'll see you at home,” he said and drained his glass, “I've got tomorrow of,” he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

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