Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Colin went from a concerned boyfriend to an over protective parent in a matter of hours that the doctor stitched up Faye’s stomach, telling her she was lucky it was only a flesh wound and didn’t go any deeper and went on to stitch up her head; finding the same result on her head as her stomach. He kept to his word and stayed by her side and went through every detail he would pluck out of her head while the doctors ran their tests and then some that Colin had requested that they do.

Even after the doctors released Faye, he took time off to look after her, practically wrapped her in cotton wool for those three days and not once did he let her leave the house on her own. He kept an eye on her, even though she couldn’t see him all the time in the house, she knew he was watching her, just to make sure that she wasn’t going to do anything stupid; it drove her nuts.

She was getting better after he got someone from another part of the department to take her statement, she couldn’t describe her attacker very well, but the skin sample that the doctors took was enough to connect her attacker with four other attacks. Faye was the only one who had actually gotten away without being raped but she was also the only one who had been cut up with a knife as well.

Abby even dropped by once in those three days but when she tried to convince Colin to let Faye out of the house on her own, she was brick walled at the idea. So while Sam distracted him, Faye asked Abby quietly to search for the creep who attacker her with her scanning system. Colin would have to let her go back work sooner or later and he would too, so at one point she would be on her own; she was already planning on taking out this rapist before the police got their hands on him.

“If you find him, just watch him for any patterns,” Faye whispered, “If he goes into a certain fast food place, I want to know where. If he goes into a certain bar at a certain time, I want to know where and when, that sort of thing. If he doesn't keep to a pattern, then I want to know which streets he prowls.”

Abby nodded and squeezed her friend into a tight hug. “How are you going to get away from him?” she asked, nodding in Colin’s direction.

“He's going back in tomorrow whether he likes it or not, and so am I; even if I have to tie him down so I can go, then I will.”

Abby smiled when she said her goodbyes and left with Sam in tow.

“You're not going work tomorrow,” Colin snapped when they were alone, he overheard some of what Faye and Abby were talking about. “I don't want to go work tomorrow and leave you on your own while that creep is still on the loose.”

“You are going work,” Faye insisted and crossed her arms as she glared at him, “And I'm going work tomorrow or I'll never want to go again, I'll be too scare to leave the house in case I get attacked again.”

He sighed at her stubborn manor as he collapsed on the sofas next to her and pulled her onto his lap into a cuddle. “I’m not going to win this fight am I?” he sighed and gently rubbed her head over her new stitches.

“No, you’re not,” she replied and quickly pecked his cheek.

The following evening, the only way Faye was allowed to go to work was when Colin phoned Abby to take her to work and if she wouldn’t mind bringing her home or at the very least, having someone else take her home. If only he knew what the two women were really up to when they got to Visualize. While he spoke with Abby before they left, Faye took the opportunity to hide her coat, scarf and knives in the back of Abby’s blue sports car.

There was the familiar worry from everyone working at the club as soon as Faye walked in and shooed Abby down into the lair. Hannah seemed the most upset by Faye’s attack, she kept mumbling something about being attacked years ago and it was hard for her to understand how Faye could have gotten away as she had when Hannah was trapped in her own shell for years.

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