12. I'll Never Stop Waiting

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"Thinking of you later in my empty room, where I fall asleep alone."

-Every Avenue, Think of You Later

A/N: I just wanna say thank you so much for over 400 reads. It means so much!! Sooo I've got my other Taylor Swift fanfic started and maybe you could give that a read/vote/comment? That would be great...now on to our story...

I fell asleep in my chair that day. I ended up being woke up by falling off of the chair onto the floor. Not exactly how I like being woken up. Personally, I prefer and good morning kiss from Taylor, but I knew that was gonna be awhile before it ever happens, if it ever happens, again.

Anyway, I got back to my feet and sat back down in my chair. I shifted my gaze to Taylor's peaceful face just in time to see her eyelids flutter for a few seconds then open.

My heart flew to my throat with excitement. I jumped up out of my chair and fell to my knees at her bed. Her eyes painstakingly moved to catch my eyes. I started crying immediately.

Her left hand slowly moved and clasped both of mine. I noticed that no one had removed her ring. I kissed her frail hand.

Just then, a doctor and three nurses came flying in and began to flip switches and push buttons on machines in the room. After asking about a million and a half dozen times, I was finally told that they were trying to keep her awake. I stepped out into the hallway to get out of their way and ran into Taylor's friend Sara Hyland.

I didn't know Sara that well. All I knew was that she was a fantastic actress and that she was pretty.

She noticed the tears in my eyes right away and must've thought the worst. So she pulled me into a hug. When we pulled away I managed to croak out, "She's awake."

I don't think that if I would've told her I was a woman she would've been more surprised. She went around me to get into Taylor's room but I grabbed her and held her back.

"There are a buncha people in there working that need space right now, Sara," I said.

She nodded and said, "Fuck I just wanna see her!"

I nodded and walked down the hall to the waiting room. Sara followed and sat down across from me with her boyfriend Matt Prokop, who I had no idea was here too. We shook hands and I sat back down.

I think I probably sat in that stupid room for about 2 hours before a nurse came out and told me Taylor wanted to see me. I nearly kissed that nurse right then. But I decided to save it for Taylor.

Sara ran to Taylor's room ahead of me and shut the door behind her. I waited impatiently outside. After what seemed like forever, Sara came out with a smirk on her face and kissed me on the cheek. Then she walked down the hall and her and Matt left.

I stood there a little stunned at first then I remember Taylor. I walked into the room and sat in my usual chair. I looked at her face and saw a trace of a smile that was probably put there by the lovely Sara. But now it was just me and Taylor and we had some serious things to discuss. I took her hand and heard her take a deep breath.

"Taylor I'm scared," she said; her voice weak and barely above a whisper.

I squeezed her hand and said, "We're going to get through this."

She caught my gaze and I saw tears in her eyes. "How?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

I shook my head. "I don't know, but we'll figure it out."

"I hate this place," she muttered.

"Why?" I asked, "They're helping you."

"They're also keeping me away from you and my music and my fans," she responded, "But mostly you."

"I've been here every day!"

"I think you know what I mean," she whispered. I could see a faint smirk on her face and in her eyes.

I smiled, she sure knows what goes through a man's mind.

I squeezed her hand. "Ok well, the minute you walk out of this place I'm marrying you, no more waiting. I love you too much."

"That's what you think Mr. Lau...." her voice trailed off as she fell asleep.

I held her hand until the nurse came and fed me her usual line. That visiting hours were over and that I had to leave. I grumbled curses under my breath as I collected my jacket and my phone. I kissed Taylor on the cheek and walked out to my car.

The drive home was just as lonely as usual, but after being able to talk to Taylor after all these weeks, I feel like nothing's changed.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a long shower. I dried my hair and put on a pair of boxers. Then, for the first time in weeks I crawled in my own bed. And slept like a baby. The feeling that Taylor wasn't going to make flew out the window. I couldn't wait for the day that I would take her home.

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