5. I Watched It Begin Again

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"This time let's do it right."


The minute we arrived at the café, I fell in love with it. It had a vintage-y look to it and it was small and cute. There were polished wooden booths and 50s style decorations. I decided I would definitely be coming back to this place.

Taylor led me to a back booth and sat across from me. He reached his hands out across the table. Anyone happening to look over at us would have thought he was stretching. But I knew what his real motive was. I put my hands on the table and slowly crept them into his. My small, delicate hands fit perfectly in his big strong hands. We both were looking down at the table when a waitress came by and asked us what we wanted. I ordered a tea and Taylor ordered a latte. As soon as the waitress was gone, I decided to speak up.

"I love this place!" I said.

He smiled sheepishly at the table and replied, "I knew you would."

"I will probably end up being a regular customer around here," I said more or less to myself.

I felt his hands squeeze mine and looked up into his eyes that were burning a hole in my head.

"Taylor," he began, "I want to give us another try."

I was astonished. I couldn't believe he'd be willing to give me another chance. Give us another chance.

Maintaining eye contact with him I responded with, "I never thought I'd hear those words leave your mouth when you're looking at me."

He cracked a smile. "So I take it that's a 'so do I' or...?" he said.

I laughed and nodded my head, squeezing his hands back.

We talked more freely than we had before. All of the awkwardness and stiffness seemed to dissipate. We hardly even noticed that the waitress had brought us our drinks until Taylor began teasing me about my tea.

"Oh Taybae," he said with a teasingly tone, "What are you? 85 and British?"

I playfully kicked him under the table but was laughing at the same time.

I looked into his eyes and whispered, "I missed hearing you tease me about that."

He leaned forward across the table and got so close to my ear that his lips tickled it when he whispered, "I missed you period."

"Are you trying to get at something Mr. Lautner?" I said seductively.

He broke out into the sexiest grin I'd ever seen on a man. "Now, why would you have to even ask that?" he replied with his voice lowered.

I smiled at him over my teacup.

"Shall we go home now?" he asked, trying to sound casual, "It is getting late you know."

I smiled and nodded as I got up. We held hands as we walked quickly back to his home. We squeezed each other's hands and snuck glances at each other. I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't believe how fast this had turned around. Maybe I did deserve another chance.

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