20. I'm Yours

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"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."

-A. A. Milne

two months later

After a lot of contemplating and thinking, Taylor and I decided to sell her house in LA. And move in permanently together in Nashville. We would stay at my house in LA if we ever needed to be there. Which would be often with our jobs and everything.

One morning, Taylor had a scheduled check-up at the women's hospital in Nashville to see if we could find out if our baby was a boy or a girl, then afterwords, we were scheduled to fly out to LA for a few weeks to relax and be with friends. But also because it was the weekend of the Oscars coming up. I was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in my most recent movie and Taylor had a nomination for a song she wrote for a movie.

Taylor was now about 5 months along and was starting to show pretty good. She was nervous about her appointment, and I was trying to calm her down, but it was pretty much pointless when I was as nervous as she was.

When I pulled into the parking lot at the women's hospital, I took Taylor's hand and kissed it. She smiled at me, then we got out and walked to the front desk.

Taylor smiled at the receptionist and was about to say her name, when she was cut off by the receptionist.

"Oh don't worry," she said, trying to contain her excitement, "I know who you are."

Taylor giggled, but I could tell she was still nervous.

We went to the waiting room and just as we sat down, Taylor's doctor called to us. We walked with her doctor to a room. They went in and I stood outside and waiting until I was told to come in.

When I was finally told I could come in, Taylor was laying on the bed in a hospital gown. The small white tv was on and Taylor was chewing her lip. I pulled a chair up beside her and held her hand tightly. Then her doctor began talking.

"Your baby is going just fine," she stated, "Its heart rate is right where we want it and it is growing at the right rate. Now, I suppose we could see if we can find out what the gender is."

The doctor then squeezed a tube of clear jelly like stuff onto Taylor's enlarged belly. By Taylor's movements, I figured it must've felt cold. Doctor Knightston then looked us and asked if we were ready. Once Taylor and I both nodded, she took a wand and lightly pressed it to Taylor's belly. The small tv above the doctor's head suddenly came to life. I could just make out the form of a small child, and telling by the way Taylor squeezed my hand, she could see it too. Our baby.

Doctor Knightston was quiet for a long time as she slowly moved the wand around on Taylor's belly. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked at us.

"It appears to me as though you guys will most likely be having a baby girl!" she said excitedly. I smiled and looked at Taylor. She was smiling and was close to tears. I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"A baby girl Taylor, a baby girl!" I whispered excitedly.

Soon we left the hospital, as we had a plane to LA to catch. We agreed on the ride home not to tell anyone yet.

As soon as we got home from the hospital I grabbed a few bags that we packed and put them into Taylor's parents' car. They drove us to the airport.

The second we stepped into our LA house, there was a flurry of people showing Taylor dresses and pictures of hairstyles, nails, and jewelry.

"Hey, hey! Guys," I shouted above the confusion, "Calm down, she is pregnant you know!"

I touched the inside of Taylor's arm and guided her over to a couch and sat down beside her. She picked out a green dress after looking at a lot of other dresses. A group of women then proceeded to kick me out of the room so they could fit Taylor for the dress. I was shoved into a room to be fitted for a tuxedo with a tie to match Taylor's dress.

After a few hours of getting fitted and getting ready for the Oscars, it was just me and Taylor left in our big LA house. The Oscars were still 4 days away so I didn't understand why we had to go through all of this right now. I walked into the kitchen and sat down in a barstool. Taylor walked in behind me and sat beside me. I reached my hand over and interlaced my fingers with hers.

"I wasn't expecting that," I said.

Taylor giggled. "Of course not, I always have to be fitted and ready to go at least two days before, but since they were going to have to really alter my dress I called them early."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "I get fitted generally the afternoon before. Once, I was fitted the morning of."

"I'd love to know the story behind that," Taylor whispered.

"I'd love to tell you sometime," I whispered back.

"Not now?" she asked.

"'Fraid not love," I said, "I've got something else planned."

"Something else?"

"Yes babe, now how bout you take a nap," I suggested, " Doctor's and my orders."

"Only because you say so," she said with a tone that said otherwise.

I chuckled and stood up at the same time she did. She then threw her arms around my neck.

"Mm, carry me?" she whispered inches from my lips.

"Only because you say so," I said, mimicking her.

"Oh you little shit, I love you," she said, laughing.

"I love you too babe," I whispered.

I lightly kissed her lips, then picked her up bridal style and carried her to my old bedroom, which is now our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and tucked a blanket around her. I noticed she was already drifting off to sleep.

"Oh babe," she said just as I was leaving the room, "Whatever you're doing out there, don't start something on fire and don't forget I love you."

I leaned against the door frame. "I love you so unbelievably much Taybae."

She smiled and closed her eyes. Almost immediately, she was snoring ever so softly. She looked like an angel awake, so just imagine how much more of an angel she looked like asleep.

I grinned and pushed off the door frame, then shut the door softly. I went back downstairs and grabbed a big worn blanket from a closet then set it on the counter. I grabbed an electric lantern that I've never used and set it on the counter beside the blanket. I then walked into the den and returned to the kitchen with my laptop, its charger, a stack of Taylor's favorite movies, and a bag of Hershey kisses. I set it all on the counter and made sure I had everything I needed. I did.

I walked back into the den and settled down onto one of the couches. I grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV. Unfortunately, being March, football was over. So I flipped through the channels until I found a crime show to watch. Before long, I drifted off to sleep too.

A/N: kind of a boring filler chapter I guess. Maybe I'll update sooner because of it

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