13. Home

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"For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home."

― Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss

three weeks later

I jerked awake at 5:30am and ran to take a quick shower. Today was finally the day!!

I dressed quickly in faded blue jeans, a tight black t-shirt, an old sweatshirt, and a pair of Converse. I grabbed an apple out of the fridge, my keys, my wallet, and my phone and ran to my car. I know for sure I didn't do the speed limit going down to the hospital.

I went to the patient check-out station and saw Taylor seated with her back to me in a wheelchair, gazing out a window. I ran up to her and she hugged me with all her strength.

"Hey Taybae, you're getting your strength back!" I said into her blonde curls. Her hair hasn't been straightened in months.

I checked Taylor out with a doctor and a nurse. I picked her up out of her wheelchair and carried her to my car. Once we were all settled in, she turned to me.

"I can walk you know, they just won't let me. Bullshit if you ask me," she grumbled.

I laughed and clasped both of her hands in my right as I turned out of the parking lot and drove to my house. I parked in the driveway and before Taylor could even twitch, I already had her back in my arms

I carried her through the door and set her down on a barstool at my countertop. I walked to the other side, slung a towel over my shoulder and faced her.

"What can I get ya m'am?" I asked.

She giggled and replied, "I'll take a peach tea on the rocks please."

"Coming right up m'am!" I said and turned to the fridge to get her her tea. Then I reached into a cabinet for a glass and filled it with ice. I slid the glass and the bottle across the counter. Then I sat down on the barstool next to her. I took her chin with my forefinger and my thumb and tilted her face upward. I brushed my lips against hers, tempting her.

She smiled and whispered, "Is it against some rules for the bartender to fall in love with a customer?" She brushed her lips against mine a bit harder, but not quite yet kissing me.

"Even if it is, I'll take that chance everyday with you," I whispered back. Then I pressed the palm of my hand to her back and pulled her closer to me. Finally, I kissed her lightly at first, then we both demanded more passion.

I lifted her onto my lap in one (no pun intended) swift movement. She wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair.

I moved my hands under her butt and stood up. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her to the bedroom. I set her down on the bed as she hungrily peeled of my shirt. Just as I had hers almost completely off, the phone rang.

She broke our kiss, but I continued unbuttoning her shirt. I shook my head, no.

"It could be important," she rationalized.

I groaned and walked to the phone, praying for a wrong number. I picked it up on the fifth ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Taylor," the other voice said, "Is, uh, Taylor there? I mean Swift."

I sighed and said yes. I walked over and handed the phone to Taylor.

I sat down behind her on the bed and nibbled at her ears. Her ears were so cute and soft and just perfect. From the bits and pieces I heard of the conversation, I figured it was her mom.

I laid down on the bed behind her and lifted the tail of her shirt up. She swatted my hand away and continued talking. I snuck my arm around her waist and jerked her back onto my chest. I kissed her chin as she hastily hung up the phone and tossed it across the room.

"Taylor, you are so impatient aren't you?" she huffed, trying to sound mad.

"Hey! I want what I want," I mumbled in between kisses with her soft lips.

I pushed her to the edge of the bed again and hopped off to stand in front of her. I finally was able to take off her shirt. As we worked on each other's jeans she said her parents would be at my house in an hour. I nodded then I stepped out my jeans once she let them drop. She wiggled on the bed as I pulled off her jeans. Her legs had to be God's gift to me. I ran my hands up both of them starting at the ankle and ending at her hips.

She giggled softly and stuck her fingers in the waistband of my boxers. Her fingertips danced against my skin and were driving me insane. I hitched a breath once she flicked my boxers down my legs. I stepped out of them and jumped onto the bed beside her.

I unclipped her bra and flung it to the floor. She pulled off her panties and folded her body against mine.

The covers were still pulled back from when I woke up this morning. So we crawled underneath them. We laid there for a good half an hour just enjoying each other's presence. I wasn't going to press her for sex, considering she just got out of the hospital. In fact, just lying next to her like this was making my heart race.

Finally, we climbed out and quickly dressed again. We cleaned up ourselves and my house a bit before her parents came.

"This is such a bachelor pad!" she scoffed jokingly as she collapsed on my big leather couch.

"Maybe you'd like to change that," I offered and sat next to her.

"Oh you can bet on that!" she replied quietly then softly kissed my lips.

A/N: not a super interesting update but an update none the less right? Anyway, I've been super busy with work and church and other stuff AND I've been sick so I haven't been able to get around to writing stuff much. Oh 2 more things, one-you guys got this story to over 500 reads!?!!??! Thank you so so so much I love ya and chapter one is over 90 reads alone that's huge for me!! Thank you! More good stuff to come, I promise!

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