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Centuries Ago

The had existed for so long; it didn't even know its own origins. Oh a hazy and vague image may come up, but nothing that made sense. There was, however, one thing it knew it always had; loneliness...the feeling of being incomplete, desperation for friends, and anything other than this loneliness. It searched through the universe finding nothing.

Then one day, it heard of Wonder World. A world that was peaceful or so the story went; a world that could finally, finally mend its utter despair. It approached Wonder World. However, instead of the warmth of friendship; it sensed fear, anger and hate. Several projectiles were launched into the opening of the Darkness.

They were powerful weapons and even though there was no chance of them obliterating the Darkness, it still hurt; hurt almost as much of the sheer hatred of the inhabitants of that world. The Darkness was stunned for a few minutes. Then felt total rage. Well, if it was a fight that these people wanted, it was a fight they would get.

Using the very weapons they launched into it. The being examined the weapons fired into it; they were highly advanced, it wouldn't take too much to convert them into sentient beings and perhaps beings that could bring the companionship that the Darkness so totally craved.

It examined the largest and most powerful of the Wonder Rockets; it was called Eliminator No.1. The Darkness converted it to be the leader of the commandos. It, also, filled the leader with the very rage and hatred that the Wonder World inhabitants directed at the Darkness.

It soon created other Eliminators; sentient robots that could rebuild themselves even if catastrophic failure occurred. The Eliminators swarmed the planet and sucked the populace into the void that was the Darkness. Then the Darkness inhaled Wonder World breaking it apart into rubble.


More time passes.

The Darkness still was lonely. The robots it created did serve their master well, and seemed to give it devotion. However, it was an empty devotion...a devotion that was simply programmed; not of a free will. So it continued the search; encountering the same hostility that the denizens of Wonder World showed to it.

So the Darkness did what it believed it could only do; retaliate against being attacked. Then one day, it heard of Fairy World. It had heard good things about this land of fairies, and like the Darkness, they existed outside the realms of normal time and space since fairies were magical beings. It approached Fairy World and once again met the same fate.

However, this was different. The fairies being magical were much more powerful than anything the Darkness encountered before. Although, the Darkness did its share of damage to the fairies and Fairy World, the fairies more than held their own. Finally, came the fateful day when the fairies combined their magical powers together.

They had sent a cold chilling yellowish burst of energy in its opening. This weakened the Darkness. It left Fairy World, wounded. A few fragments broke off of the Darkness. 'Fragments' was a somewhat misleading term; since the Darkness was millions of miles long, a 'fragment' might be a hundred miles or more or less.

However, they were very few fragments and the Darkness kept its structure largely intact. It went to the very end of the universe.


Between Wishology Parts 1 and Part 2

"Must have Timmy Turner," was the chant that the Darkness continually uttered much to the annoyance of the head Eliminator.

He feared his Master was becoming soft. However, since the Darkness had created him, he knew it could destroy him, so he kept quiet. For the Darkness's part, it had come into contact with Timmy Turner's mind and heart. Even though, Timmy had fired into it, this blast was very different from the weapons from Wonder World and the cold yellowish light from the fairies.

No, this light was pure and blindingly white. It hurt but in the sense that a wound hurt while healing. He saw no hatred in Timmy's heart just concern for his loved ones. Because it had come into contact with Timmy's heart and mind, it learned of the very rough life the boy had. For the first time, the Darkness felt a small stirring of emotions inside its weakest point; its heart. He gave the orders to the Eliminators; Timmy Turner would come to them.


-Flashback: 'Wishology: The Final Ending'-

"Must have Timmy Turner," the Darkness groaned after his fairies had rescued him.

The Lead Eliminator whirled around and questioned, "Why? So you can keep him close to your heart, your one true weakness. The Chosen One is not to be played with; and if you don't destroy him, I will."

The Darkness chose to ignore this insubordinate comment and instructed, "Return to me now."

The Head Eliminator defined the Darkness as it stated, "I will not return! You cannot make me."

With that, the leader of the Eliminators  made its arms into cannons and fired a blast. The blast was just like the weapons, he had felt from Wonder World, and he felt the same hatred. This caused the Darkness to cringe.

It recovered soon enough and said, "But I can un-make you!" With that, the Darkness blasted a very powerful energy beam causing his former leader of his commandos to break apart. The other Eliminators saw this and then whirled around. The Darkness growled, "Timmy Turner is not to be eliminated."

The second Eliminator confirmed, a bit scared, "Right...totally clear on that."

The third Eliminator stated, with his fingers whirling, "Timmy Turner No Eliminate-o."

The Darkness snarled in its deep raspy voice, "Find Timmy Turner and bring him to me."

-End of Flashback-


Unknown to the Darkness, the attack from the future Destructiontator, had caused a fragment to fall off; a significantly large fragment. It was separated from the main body of the Darkness so it did not partake of the pure energy light from the three wands that Timmy Turner shot into the Darkness created the Kindness.

It was even more lonely and in despair. It found the other fragments and they joined together. The resulting being was not nearly as large as the Darkness originally was, but it was large enough. Plus, it longed for companionship. But, seeing that a good eleven years had passed since the original battle, the Darkness knew that Timmy Turner would not remember the being.

Seeing that he had until his eighteenth birthday with his fairies; the Darkness knew that Timmy Turner would no longer be an idle friend to it. Then, who could be his replacement? The Darkness started to fly towards Earth. But, it took a wrong turn somewhere in the cosmos. It still wounded up back to Earth. However, it wasn't the Earth that Timmy Turner was from...


Wishmaker1028: Well, this is getting a bit of a re-direction. You'll just have to see what I have in mind. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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