Act I, Scene V

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After the Eliminators were taken care of, only one problem was left to deal with: the Darkness.

Paul told Madelyn, "Light the Darkness, Maddie! This is what you were chosen for!"

Madelyn pointed out, "Yeah, but like I said - I don't know how to play!"

Gene told her, "Maddie, don't play it; feel it."

Madelyn looked across and everyone was giving her a thumb up (or tongue up, in Gene's case) and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she started to play. Her hands were glowing with a white/reddish aura. The white aura was more noticeable.

"I...I feel it," she gushed.

The more she played, the more the audience cheered. The wand began to glow white/red as a burst of white/reddish fire erupted from it and hit the Darkness.

That's when the Darkness connected into Madelyn's memories, mind, and heart. Even though, Madelyn had fired into it, this blast was very different from the weapons from Wonder World and the cold yellowish light from the fairies.

No, this light was pure and blindingly white with a tad of red. It hurt but in the sense that a wound hurt while healing. He saw no hatred in Madelyn's heart just concern for her loved ones. Because it had come into contact with Madelyn's heart and mind, it learned the often very rough life the girl had.

For the first time, the Darkness felt a small stirring of emotions inside its weakest point yet again; its heart.

Everyone on stage was yelling, "Keep rocking, Chosen One."

That's when the white/reddish fire blasted the Darkness again, making it glow white.

Iris gushed, "It is working!"

The Darkness sucked up the Eliminators and retreated, freeing everything it swallowed, including Jorgen and his best friend Nacey Cortex, who also got captured somehow.

"Whoa...awesome light show," a man in the audience said as the entire crowd cheered.

Cupid asked, "It's over, right?"

That's when the stars reappeared in the night sky.

Madelyn commented, "Now, it's over." She played three notes and then went over to Kiss, "So, you guys are fairy warriors?"

Paul and Gene answered, "Well, we prefer the term 'Magical Order of Rocking Fairies'!"

"MORF," Madelyn teased, "that figures."

As her Dad arrived to see the show, he was a bit disappointed that he had missed the show. Gaining his memories back, he ran up to his daughter.

"Madelyn, what are you doing here? What is going on? Are you okay?" Tom asked her, hugging her gently.

Madelyn returned the hug and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine Dad. It's a long story..."

Tom noticed the fairies and Kiss as he paled. Madelyn picked up on this but before she could ask what was wrong, Paul and Gene spoke up.

They commented, in unison, "We should, like, party."


In Fairy World, Madelyn and her fairy friends were rocking out to Kiss. As a part of Jorgen's deal, he kept Tom in the loop about Madelyn's fairy secret exchange for Madelyn's silence. Madelyn agreed to it.

That's when Nacey came over and complained to Jorgen, "You know, I thought you weren't going to stick the fairies into a gumball machine again!"

Jorgen chuckled nervously as the Tooth Fairy felt a sting of jealousy. While she did like Nacey, the blush on Jorgen's face made it obvious that he was still in love with the magical being.

Jorgen waved at the Tooth Fairy, whom just ignored the wave. Jorgen put his hand down. It was no secret the two were having marriage issues. And this whole fiasco didn't help matters much.

Nacey turned to Madelyn and added, "I apologize for my best friend's antics'. He just doesn't think before he acts..."

"I know, believe me, I know," Madelyn told her.

That's when Nacey introduced herself to Madelyn and she did the same. Right after that, Timmy and Trixie zapped in.

"Timmy and Trixie," Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof squealed.

"Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof," Timmy and Trixie said, in unison and happily.

The five of them hugged as Madelyn smiled at the sight. Once they broke out of it, Wanda turned Timmy to Madelyn. Tom watched from afar, his glances looking worried.

Jorgen approached him and asked, "She is your only daughter, is she not?"

Tom nodded as he explained, "She is. But this is her first time being exposed to magic." He turned to the fairy commander as he started to add, "I want you to please keep my daughter safe. I know she is the Chosen One but now she is exposed to magic..."

Jorgen interrupted, "I understand. We will all keep her safe."

Tom smiled a bit as a red streak of light caught their eye. They both looked as they saw a muscular woman walking towards them. She looked a lot like Madelyn but she was much older. Her brown hair was pinned back in a bun by a bobby pin, blue eyes, wearing long pink armor with white sparkling stripes that went down to her feet, the black letters of MW on the center of her chest armor, and pink and white sneakers.

Jorgen stated, "You're late, Watson."

Watson grumbled, "Yeah, I got that."

Tom asked, confused, "Wait, are you telling me she was the true Chosen One?"

Jorgen explained, "She was. Her name is Madison Watson, a Red Scarlet."

Tom paled instantly but before he could say anything, Madison walked by them. She walked up to Madelyn, who was with her new fairy godparents of Iris and Cupid.

She growled, "Hey, small fry." Madelyn turned, seeing Madison there. She was startled at first but then it dawned on her. She wasn't the Chosen One, this girl was. Madison added gruffily, "My name is Madison Watson. You took my spotlight."

"My name is Madelyn Whyte. And really...your spotlight? Is that all you are worried about? Fame and glory?" Madelyn asked, surprised.

"Well duh," Madison answered, with an eye roll. "That's all Red Scarlet's are interested in."

Madelyn blinked in confusion as she started to say, "Well I..."

Madison cut her off, "We will settle this later, small fry. I don't fight impurity."

With that, Madison walked off, leaving Madelyn even more confused. She turned to her fairies, whom just shrugged in confusion. They just went back to the party, unaware what was happening outside.


Madelyn returned to her new home after the party that night and didn't even bother to change. She just collapsed on the couch and fell asleep, not knowing that it was not over.

Iris and Cupid 'poofed' to her house and settled into a goldfish bowl as now Madelyn was their first godchild....together.

Iris whispered, "Well, Adam. It looks like we've got our work cut out for us."

"I won't be too sure, Iris," Cupid whispered back, "I can tell that she is like a rather lonely woman. All she has is her father and friends."

"Well, maybe we can fix that," Iris whispered, remaining optimistic.

Cupid smiled at her as they settled into the goldfish bowl and fell asleep. Both of them were unaware of what was to come...


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's the end of the big beginning! And next up....the exciting middle part! Hope you all are enjoying! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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