Act III, Scene III

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With a 'poof', Madelyn and her fairies ended up in the mall. Madelyn looked around and then looked at her fairies.

She asked, annoyed, "Okay, who took us to the mall?"

Iris pointed out, "Well, you didn't say where you wanted to go."

Cupid added, "Plus there are a lot of places to hide. Like the shoes shops, clothes stores, and T.V. stores."

Just then, the three of them heard one of televisions roar to live. Rob Duh was on the screen, sitting behind the reporting desk.

He reported, "Good evening, Serene. This is Rob Duh saying that it is a bad evening to be out since a crazy robot is scaring the delights of the citizens of Serene. But the agents of MERF say that we have nothing to worry about."

Mr. Hanna started to say, "There is nothing to worry about. The robot is just a..."

Mr. Barbara added, "A street sweeper who scares people so bye!"

The feed went dead as it goes back to Rob whom added, "This is Rob saying great because the street sweeping robot is off to clean our mall."

That's when Madelyn asked, scared out of her mind, "Damn it, did he say mall?"

Just then, the mall disappeared and there was the Top Eliminator as he told her, "I love having magic!"

Madelyn smiled at this and responded, "Yeah, so do I." She paused and wished, "I wish the ground would swallow him up!"

At her words, the ground ate up the Top Eliminator but spat him back out again. The Top Eliminator started to control the ground after he got out, and hits her, forcing Cupid and Iris to return back to normal. Cupid rolled his sleeves, getting mad.

"Oh that is it, bub!" He hissed. "No one hurts my girl!"

Iris blushed at that and before she could react, Cupid turned into a giant bear. He smacked away the Top Eliminator from them, giving Madelyn time to get on her feet again. Iris was really impressed as Cupid was smacking the Top Eliminator around. But before she could help, the Top Eliminator got a cage and trapped Cupid inside, taking his wand.

"Adam!" Iris yelped, floating over to the cage. She opened it, changing him back, with a wave og her wand. "Adam, are you okay...?" She asked, worried.

"I'll be taking that." The Top Eliminator told them, draining Cupid's wand.

"Oh hell, I hate being the Chosen One..." Madelyn complained.

Just before the Top Eliminator could attack them, MERF arrived with multiple missiles and more.

Mr. Hanna got out a megaphone and yelled, "Evil Street sweeper of doom stands down!" He added, "Man, I love megaphones!"

Mr. Barbara started to add, "Ready, aim, and..."

That's when Madelyn jumped in front of them and yelled, "Stop!" The agents lowered their weapons, looking at her. Madelyn informed them, "If you attack, it will just absorb the weapons and use them against you!"

Mr. Barbara asked, "What do you know? You are just a woman!"

Madelyn rolled her eyes at this, in annoyance.

Mr. Hanna added, "Anyways, we're going to launch every missile known to man and even a kitchen sink built in 1952 and blast it back to where ever the hell it came from! And if that doesn't work, we've got an escape pod ready to go."

Mr. Barbara finished, "We call it operation blow damned that thing up. It's going to be awesome!"

Madelyn yelled, "Damn it, I'm telling you! You can't fire!"

Mr. Hanna responded, "Oh sure, whatever you say....and fire!"

That's when MERF fire the missiles and the sink at him. The Top Eliminator absorbs the missiles and the sink and becomes more powerful and changes in its appearance. While the agents were distracted, Madelyn grabbed the keys of the escape pod without them looking and ran over to the escape pod.

Mr. Barbara pointed out, "What do you know? That girl was right."

Mr. Hanna went towards his pocket and added, "We should get to the escape pod...." He tried get to the keys but they were gone. He added, "Where are the keys?!"

That's when Madelyn disabled the alarm on the rocket and waved goodbye to the agents.

Madelyn told her fairies, "Operation save our asses is underway!"

With that, they blasted off into space. The Top Eliminator tried to grab the rocket but no such luck as Madelyn was quicker at the controls.

The Top Eliminator said, "The Chosen One has fled her world. And now, there is nothing stopping me from making it my world."

That's when the robot started to change the world into metal.

Mr. Hanna yelled, "Time for operation run!"

That's when the Top Eliminator turned everyone into robots.

"We are now at your command, old street sweeper of doom," said Mr. Barbara.

"From now on," said the Destructiontator, "Call me the Destructiontator."


Meanwhile, in Hawaii, the metal changed everything except for Jorgen and Nacey. The two of them had landed safely. Well, actually, the landing was going to hurt Nacey but Jorgen served at the last minute to protect her. Once they were safe, the two of them got up. Nacey was grateful to Jorgen but she could've sworn that she saw him blushing.

Jorgen told her, stopping his blush, "Ha, his rocket glutious wish literally backfired and we are not robots!"

Nacey pointed out, "Still, we're on a metal Earth with no fairy magic and we can't use island magic against him because he would be virtually unstoppable."

Jorgen turned to her and winked. Nacey knew that wink all too well...he was up to something stupid.

He responded, "Don't worry, Nance. I have a plan."

She raised an eyebrow and asked, "And what might that be?"

He answered, "Plug your ears, this may get a little loud." Nacey did as she was instructed and he yelled, "Help us, Chosen One!"

Nacey un-plugged she ears and responded, annoyed, "That's your plan?! Yelling for help?!"

Jorgen rolled his eyes and shot back, "You got a better idea?"

Nacey responded, "Yeah and it doesn't involve shouting for help to Madelyn, who has clearly fled the Earth."

Jorgen groaned, "I swear Cosmo must be affecting me."

"Maybe it's because the two of you are related," Nacey shot back.

Jorgen shot back at her, "I heard that."

Nacey was the one to roll her eyes this time as she opened up a porthole, and shot back, "I didn't say it so that you couldn't."

With that, they headed back to Serene.


Wishmaker1028: And that's the end of this chapter! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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