Act II, Scene II

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Back in Madelyn's dimension, she was headed towards the coffee shop. That's when she ran into her friends, Allison Janet Jackson and Candice Patricia Macbeth. Allison and Candice were both 27 years of age, just like Madelyn.

Allison was the dark skinned girl with long black hair. She had hazel eyes, wearing a white long sleeved sweater, a blue skirt, and very long black boots. Candice was the light skinned girl with the short blonde hair. She had brown eyes, wearing a black undershirt with a brown rose on it, a green jacket, blue slacks, and blue running shoes.

Allison was the genius of the group while Candice was the one in lower class and she was a tomboy. Candice and Madelyn have been best friends since forever, since pre-k and they met Allison in second grade.

They had been through a lot together and Madelyn could always count on them to cheer her up and vice versa.

"Hey, guys," Madelyn gushed.

"Hey, Madelyn," Candice greeted. "Isn't it a terrific day?"

"Have you been eating sugar again," Allison asked, kind of annoyed.

Madelyn giggled at this and answered, pointing out the oblivious, "Allison, you and I both know that Candice is always eating sugar."

And that was fact and that was why Candice had braces back in elementary school.

Candice pouted and responded, groaning a bit, "You guys are no fun!"

"On the contrary," Allison shot back, pointing at Madelyn, "If memory serves, Madelyn had quite the fun day yesterday."

"How was I supposed to know that Victor was going to do something evil," Madelyn asked, shrugging a bit.

She was trying to avoid the fact that she fought the Darkness yesterday and her friends had no clue. And Madelyn was so going to keep it that way! They wouldn't believe her anyways. She couldn't believe it either and she was the one to fight the Darkness yesterday.

Anyways; Victor was a former babysitter of Madelyn's from the first grade. He was always causing Madelyn some kind of grief. His younger brother had a crush on Madelyn in seventh grade.

The crush, however, was rather creepy. In fact, it put a wedge between her and Richie that drove the two apart. And that was part of the reason why Madelyn hadn't heard from him in such a long time.

In fact, this morning was the first time she seen him in years. She blushed at the whole ordeal, not knowing that Allison was watching this.

Allison teased, pointing out Madelyn's blush to Candice, "Hey, check it out, Candice. Madelyn is in lovey-dovey city!"

Candice giggled at this. Madelyn perked up at this and blushed out of embarrassment.

She quickly defended, "I am not, Allison."

"Then, why are you not drinking your coffee," Candice asked.

Madelyn noticed this and quickly gulped down half of it.

She asked, trying to change the subject, "Correction: why are you not drinking yours?"

Allison and Candice both shook their heads at this, embarrassed by their best friend.


Later on that day, Madelyn was outside in the park, reading. Iris and Cupid were now on her as her watch. That's when something strange happened.

"Madelyn Whyte," said a voice.

Madelyn looked up and saw an alien coming their way an alien.

"No way..." Madelyn breathed, surprised.

"What's Mark Chang doing here?" Iris asked, suspicious.

"I don't know," Cupid answered, with a shrug.

Madelyn walked over to Mark, whom was in full panic mode. Mark looked at her in confusion.

"Like, who are you?" Mark questioned.

"Madelyn Whyte," she answered. "My...friends...tell me your Mark Chang. What brings you here, Mark?"

Mark explained, "You have to, like, help me! A swirling evil vortex of death swallowed my planet whole!"

Madelyn started to say, "So, the Darkness is back..." That's when she realized. She gasped, "The Darkness is back?!"

Mark pulled Madelyn close to him and responded, "You are, like, the Chosen One and you must help me fight!"

Madelyn started to bluff, "Yeah, see technically I'm not the Chosen One although they call me the Chosen One..." Her eyes widened in fear as she added, "Wait a minute, how the hell do you know that I'm the Chosen One! No one told you! And you're holding me kind of damned tight!"

'Mark' answered, "Because I must..." That's when his voice turned into the voice of the Eliminator and finished, "Eliminate Madelyn Whyte!"

"It's an Eliminator," Iris and Cupid cried out, in unison.

"No shit, you guys," Madelyn yelled. "I wish that the Mark Eliminator was gone!"

Iris and Cupid were about to grant her wish but the Mark Eliminator took their wands. Now, nothing could save her. She screamed in fear.

Iris and Cupid cried out, "Maddie, no!"

Before the Eliminator could take Madelyn into the Darkness, an escape pod landed on top of the Eliminator, freeing Madelyn. The escape pod opened up and revealed the real Mark.

He cried out, "Yo, Earth buds!" He paused and added, "What's up?"

Madelyn was too distracted by the destroyed Eliminator to notice him. She took one of the robotic arms and whispered, "The Darkness is back... Damn it."

Cupid asked, " is really you, right Mark?"

Mark answered, "Cha, its moi." He paused and asked, pointing a tentacle at Madelyn, "Uh, who's that?"

Iris explained, "Oh, that's Madelyn Whyte, our new case." She paused and questioned, "So, what's happening?"

"It is terrible! My world has been swallowed up again!" Mark complained.

"And his world is...?" Madelyn asked the two fairies.

Iris explained, "Yugopotamia." That's when she saw something. She grabbed up a pink symbol and added, "And they took your fake-I-fires, yet again."

Mark gasped and gushed, "Another new fake-I-fire...with Wi-Fi, cha!" With that, he turned into several objects before turning into Justin Jake Austin. "Cool," Mark commented. "I'm Justin Jake Austin...Earth teen dream with three first names!"

Madelyn still was confused as she asked, "Well wait a damned minute. Why would the Darkness take over Yugopotamia and not the rest of the universe?"

"Hello," Cupid answered, annoyed, "It doesn't want the universe. It wants you. I mean; if a young woman stopped me from taking over the world, I would want to take her out before I tried it again."

That's when Madelyn snapped out of it and declared, "This looks like a job for the Chosen One!"

"Yes," Mark said, crying happily, "I knew you would, like, help me Madelyn Whyte!"

"Not me," Madelyn defended, trying to get out this as fast as she could, "Madison Watson! There is no damned way I'm fighting the Darkness again."

"I'm with you kiddo," Cupid said, in agreement.

"Me too," Iris commented.

"Then, I wish we were in Fairy World," Madelyn wished.

Cupid and Iris waved their wands and with a 'poof', the four of them headed for Fairy World.


Wishmaker1028: Cue the dramatic music! Cause we need it! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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