Act I, Scene IV

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As Madelyn was driving down the road, trying to get to Vegas, she looked in the review mirror. She saw Eliminators tailing her again.

"Ah...crap," Madelyn moaned, totally annoyed.

"How did they find you if no one said your name," Iris asked, freaked. Cupid floated over to the DVR mounted in the top of the back seat. He quickly put it on and there was CNN. Rob Duh was reporting again and Madelyn groaned at this. This was defiantly not her day. Iris started to ask, "So, your name is..."

That's when she was interrupted by Cupid.

He yelled, pointing up, "Incoming!"

As he yelled that, the Eliminators started to blast the car with their lasers. Madelyn quickly swerved to dodge them.

She joked, "When the hell do things start to shoot back during a chase scene?"

The way she was zigzagging along the road and the way the Eliminators were following her each way. And in one of the zigzagging motions, Madelyn unexplainably started to chase the Eliminators.

Iris asked, "Okay, how'd we do that?"

Madelyn shrugged, "Time to go!"  With that, she pressed a button and the three of them took off like a jet. However, one of the Eliminators blasted a tire. "Ah, crud," Madelyn groaned as the car stalled to a halt.

At that moment, Madelyn pressed a button on the keys that read: 'Destroy'. The spy car instantly transformed into a cannon that used a blue glue that froze the Eliminators in place.

"Nice shot, Maddie," Iris commented.

"Thanks, Iris," Madelyn responded, liking her new nickname.

Just as Madelyn was about to transform the cannon into something without a flat, several MERF agents arrived on rocket ships.

Mr. Barbara pointed a blaster at her and shouted, "Freeze, spy car thief!"

"Guys, we've got a problem," Cupid pointed out.

That's when the wind started to blow making everyone else turn around and see the Darkness.

Madelyn commented, "That's an even bigger problem!"

Cupid was so shocked that he farted, inflating his butt.

"Don't pop that," Iris advised Madelyn.

Mr. Hanna told her, "Madelyn Whyte, you are under arrest by the order of MERF."

Mr. Barbara added, "Not to be confused with MARF....which we have tickets too tonight!" He paused and added, poking at Cupid, "By the way, cool animal balloon thingies."

Madelyn pointed behind her and asked, "Do you guys not see that giant swirling vortex of death? Don't you want to do something? Like maybe call the general or maybe the president?"

"Can't, they're all going to MARF! It's going to be awesome because we're going to rock out to Kiss," Mr. Hanna told her. Madelyn slapped her forehead. That's where she need to go. However, the MERF agents had their blasters at the ready. Mr. Hanna asked, "Any last words before you're frozen and dissected?"

Madelyn answered, "Yes. Iris, get ready to pop that bubble!"

Iris and Madelyn grabbed Cupid and busted his bubble, lifting them away from the agents' freeze rays which hit each other.

As they hit the ground; Madelyn decided to take one of their blasters and told the frozen agents, "And that is why you don't mess with the Chosen One!"

That's when they hitched a ride on one of the rocket ships. Madelyn entered in the coordinates and told them the ship is going to get them to MARF. Unbeknownst to her and the fairies, the Eliminators thawed out of the glue as ship took off.

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