Act II, Scene IV

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The Tom Eliminator went straight for Madelyn. Madelyn was ready and ducked out of the way of the direct attack. She sliced at the Tom Eliminator, scratching his chest. The Eliminator groaned, backing off on Madelyn. Mark came downstairs, completely in awe.

"And here I thought you would faint!" Mark admitted, impressed.

"It isn't exactly over yet, Mark." Madelyn warned. At those words, the Eliminator knocked the knife out of her hand. "Case in point..." She added.

Mark cringed, spinning the fake-I-fire and he became a kangaroo.

"The Chang-aroo has your back, Madelyn!" Mark promised, kicking away the Eliminator.

"Thanks buddy," Madelyn thanked. "Let's get a move on."

The two headed outside, where Madelyn saw Richie. She looked, seeing him walking up to them.

Richie sprayed his throat with breath spray and flirted, "I just wanted to stop by and kiss you until late."

"Ahuh..." Madelyn mumbled, quickly punching Richie in the chest. She yelped, hitting metal. She pulled away as 'Richie' turned into an Eliminator. "Ouch..." She complained.

"Well, you are doing better than Turner was. That's for sure." Mark informed her.

As Madelyn cooled her fist, the Eliminator from inside joined the other Eliminator.

"Eliminate Madelyn Whyte!" They said, in unison.

Mark groaned, "Oh man..."

"Let's go!" Madelyn insisted, as they ran for it.

As they ran, the two Eliminators chased them. They were getting nowhere fast but that's when Allison and Candice opened up the sewer.

"Madelyn," Candice cried out, freaking out. "Robotic aliens have taken over Serene!"

"Jump in if you want to live," Allison added.

"Trust them," Mark advised. "For they live in a sewer."

"I hope you are right about this!" Madelyn warned him.

With that, the two of them jumped into the sewer. Allison closed the sewer with the manhole and the Eliminators flew right on by.

"Sewer dwellers," Mark gushed. "Thank you for getting us out that mess...and into this one!"

Madelyn groaned in annoyance.

That's when Candice spoke up, "And now we must..." That's when her voice morphed into Eliminators. She finished, "Eliminate Madelyn Whyte!"

"Ah crap..." Madelyn groaned. "I hate when I'm right!"

"Luckily for you though," Mark spoke. "I'm half squid and half sanitation employee!" At that moment, he grabbed Madelyn and the two of them made an escape. Unforentaly, it landed the two....right in front of Tom's house. The Eliminators spotted them and they ran back up to Madelyn's old room. "Wait," Mark commented. "I have another plan!"

That's when he spun the fake-I-fire and became a green mouse again. He ran into the nearby mouse hole.

Madelyn asked, "Uh, dumb ass...what about me?"

"Uh," Mark answered, peeking back out again. "I don't think you'll fit in the hole."

Madelyn smacked her forehead in annoyance. Just then, the Top Eliminator pulled the roof back like a candy wrapper and landed in front of Madelyn. The other Eliminators made a big vortex into the Darkness.

The Top Eliminator spoke, "Enter the Darkness, Madelyn Whyte. You have no magic, you have no weapons, and you have no opinions."

That's when Madelyn saw her old boom box on the dresser and responded, "Think again, you damned Eliminator!"

At those words, she threw the boom box at the vortex which caused the vortex to go away for half a second and the Eliminators to short circuit for a split second.

Mark commented, "Dudette, I don't think it digs the funk."

That's when she picked up some old roller skates of her Dad's.

"Then let's see if they can rock and roller skate," she told him while flinging the roller skates at the vortex.

That just caused more problems as the Top Eliminator was short circuiting big time.

He groaned, "Stop Madelyn....get the Chosen One...."

Mark came out of the hole as Madelyn headed for her old plush toys.

"Now, let's see if he can enjoy the plush," Madelyn finished. That's when she and Mark threw the plush dolls at the Darkness which made the Eliminators blow up and their parts fell down to Earth. Madelyn taunted, "You see that Darkness? Now, I'm going to go to the blue moon and then I'm coming after ya!"

"And how do we get to the blue moon," Mark asked.

Madelyn answered, crashing down hard, "I have no damned idea." After she had said that, she headed outside with Mark. She commented, "Eliminators down and the Darkness to go." She paused and added, tapping her chin, "And although I still have no idea how the hell we crushed those guys with roller skates, a boom box, and plush toys but I can take what I can get right about now."

"Cha," Mark responded.

With that, the two headed on their way to make a plan. Unknown to them, the Eliminators reconstructed themselves and they started to track down Madelyn again.


Meanwhile; back at Abracatraz, Tom knew that they were in Fairy World. The kids he were with didn't.

Candice asked Allison, "Where are we again?"

Allison answered, "I surmise that we have been abducted by an alien race that can shapeshift into anything they want."

Tom fibbed, "Either that or that was a bad batch of cocktail weenies..."

"The genius is right, we're aliens," said the one Eliminator.

"Aliens...right. What are you going to show us next, fairies," Richie asked, being sarcastic.

That's when Tom faked a laugh and commented, "Ha, there's not a bad batch of weenies enough to get me to believe in that!" The Eliminators opened the cell door and that's when Tom and Madelyn's friends saw her fairies, Nacey, and Jorgen there.

"Bad, bad weenies!" Tom lied before everyone else fainted.

"That could've gone better," Nacey groaned.

"You said it," Jorgen agreed.

As the Eliminators closed the cell door with their new boom boxes and roller skates, Tom sat with the fairies.

He asked, "What happened?"

Iris answered, "A lot. I just want out so we can help Madelyn!"

Jorgen responded, "Fear not, Iris. For right now, I know Madelyn Whyte is on her way to the moon with the speed of a space cheetah so that she can save us all."

Cupid sighed sadly and said, "We can only hope you're right."


Wishmaker1028: That's the end of this chapter! Love that Chang-aroo! I also love making Madelyn sort of a bad ass. Main reason: with her, it works. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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