Act III, Scene VI

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With a 'poof', Madelyn and her friends appeared in front of her Dad's house. Just then, there was a yellow light shining down on us.

Cupid pointed up and told us, "Hey, the Darkness isn't dark anymore! It's another Kindness!"

Iris proudly stated, "So, that's why the Darkness was after you, Madelyn. You were the only one whoever blasted anything nice into it."

Jorgen turned to Madelyn and told her, "You did it, Whyte! You changed the real world Darkness into the real world Kindness!"

Juandissimo started to add, "Yeah and..."

Just then, a flaming meteor came down towards them.

Nacey asked, "What the hell is that?"

An Eliminator came out and Cassie cried, "It's an Eliminator!"

The Eliminator spoke and said, "Must...hug Madelyn Whyte."

With that, it picked up Madelyn and hugged her. Madelyn struggled a little bit to get out of its tight grasp.

Cupid corrected, "Nope. It's a Huginator!"

The Huginator added, "I have something else for you."

It dropped Madelyn and realized Allison, Candice, and Cobalion.

Allison gushed, "Madelyn, you saved us!"

Candice added, "You totally rock, girl!"

Madelyn gave them both a victory sign. Next out was Victor, David, and Mark was released next.

Mark went over to Madelyn and told her, "You saved us! And do not take this the wrong way but..." He hugged them tightly and added, "I love you!"

Iris asked, "Okay, is that it?"

Just then, Richie was released.

"Richie," Madelyn cried.

"Madelyn," Richie cried out.

Madelyn was about to run over to him when Tom came out.

He gushed, "You saved us, Madelyn!"

Madelyn hugged her father as she whispered, "How come you never told me...?"

Tom returned her hug as he replied, "I...I just didn't want to lose you so soon after losing your Mom. She was an amazing Red Scarlet, despite what anyone thought."

Madelyn pulled away from the hug and asked, confused, "Wait, what you do you mean?"

Tom answered, "She was accused of being the one that brought down the Red Scarlet's."

Madelyn instantly paled as she questioned, "Is that why Madison hates me so much?"

"She hates everyone, to be fair." Tom explained. He paused, looking over at Madison. She was standing with Iris and Cupid, talking. Mark's parents were released as they were talking. He asked, "How in the world did you ever get her to help you?"

"Luck Dad. Pure luck." Madelyn stated, honestly.

The Huginator closed the porthole to the Kindness and the Kindness smiled.

Madelyn walked over to everyone and commented, "The Darkness was never looking for trouble. It was just looking for friends."

The Kindness commented, "Friends."

Just then, Kiss came over as well as the rock guardian.

Madelyn asked, "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

Kiss stated, "We should like party."

With a wave of their wands, Madelyn found herself in Fairy World.


Everyone was rocking out with the band and everyone was happy especially Madelyn...seeing that she was finally able to kiss Richie. She wasn't the only one kissing someone. Jorgen and Nacey were also sharing a kiss.

Madelyn sarcastically teased, "Yeah, so didn't see that coming!"


We are now in the Cave of Destiny where we see drawings of the party. We also see Kiss, Madelyn in her armor and three wands. There is also a red wand but it has been colored on by Cosmo.

Cosmo turns to the audience and comments, "Just kidding!" That's when Cosmo 'poofs' up an ice cream sandwich and eat it. He yells, "Ah, brain freeze!"

That's when rocks fall on Cosmo and crush Cosmo. We zoom in on the drawings of Madelyn and fade out.


Madelyn returned to her new home with new boyfriend and fairies. Jorgen agreed to let Madelyn, Richie, Tom, Allison, and Candice to remember what happen. The only catch was not to tell anyone else. Madelyn sat on the couch as Richie joined her. The fairies went into the kitchen, to give them some privacy.

Richie asked, "Did you really think any of this would've happened a week ago?"

"Definitely not." Madelyn answered truthfully. She paused as added, "And now I have to decide on what to do with this Red Scarlet heritage I have."

"Well, its not like you can turn it off." Richie pointed out.

Madelyn shrugged, "I know that. I never expected to have anything like this to happen to me."

"It could've happened to anyone." Richie told her.

"Since when did you turn into Yoda?" She teased.

To that, Richie laughed. Madelyn placed her head on his shoulder and decided to make up her mind another day. Right now, this is where she wanted to be. Home...and in his arms.


Wishmaker1028: Sorry for the delay and short chapter, I didn't know how to best end this. The way it was originally going, it was going to be really sad.

Originally, I wasn't gonna have the Darkness turn into the Kindness. I was gonna have Madelyn risk her life for her friends and finding out about her Red Scarlet energy that way. But then it would be too late and Madison would realize that she was wrong about Madelyn all along. So she can't change her mistake after Madelyn vanishes. Like, they don't find her dead body, she just vanishes after defeating the Darkness. It would be a sad ending, especially for her Dad (Tom), who has been with her through thick and thin.

I was originally also going to have Madelyn's Mom (Angela) in this re-write but decided to cut her out to make it flow a bit better. Which it did and I'm really happy about that. My next project is 'Lost in the Stars', a Fairly Odd Parents story. As soon as I get through some speed bumps. For now, this ends 'The Darkness's New Friend'. Glad you stuck around for this rather long author's note. Farewell Kids Network Studios faithful. Anyways, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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