Act I, Scene I

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Present Day

A young twenty seven year old woman was running across the street. She had curly brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a pink rain jacket, a white sparkling long sleeved shirt on, a gold flower necklace, black jeans, white socks, and white sneakers. Her feet were faster than her body. She checked her watch, cringing at the time.

"I'm so not going to make it in time..." the woman groaned.

She kept running though. She just had to make it! She took out a small cell phone, she checked satellite time. And it was in agreement with her watch. She wasn't going to make it.

"Damn," the woman swore, "the one time I wish that I had a vehicle."

Finally making it to her location, she had made it just in time. She was in the subway and had just caught the train.

She caught her breath and breathed, "Ha! I just proved time wrong! Now, I should get home no problem!"

This woman is named Madelyn Julia Whyte. She was a graduate from college and was currently working at a small radio station. Since she didn't have any money for a vehicle of her own, she had to rely on public transport to get to and from her where she was going. Madelyn was a good woman but she was just living a crazy mixed up life. But, she wouldn't change it. However, what she didn't know was that her life was about to be turned up-side down...


Madelyn arrived at her parents house and entered. She took off her jacket, putting it up on a hanger.

She shouted, "Dad! I'm home!"

Just then, her father came down out of the kitchen. Since Madelyn's Mom passed away three years prior, it was just her and her father. But once she had enough money, Madelyn knew she was going to move out.

Tom greeted, "Hey, how was your day, Madelyn?"

"I'm honestly a bit tired," Madelyn answered modestly. She took a long sad look at a family picture of her, her Mom, and her Dad. Oh how she missed those days.

Tom sighed sadly, seeing where Madelyn's eyes were and admitted, "I know. I miss her too."

Madelyn was trying her hardest not to cry in front of her father. It was always hard for her, as her friends could attest to. Candace and Allison were her best friends since the third grade. When her Mom started to decline in health, Candace and Allison still kept in contact with Madelyn. She had only wished...

Todd caught her attention as he asked, "I'm assuming your mind is somewhere else right now?"

Madelyn admitted, "Yeah, sorry Dad. I's hard, ya know?"

Todd nodded sadly and replied, "Yeah, I know."


After that, it was a typical night for Madelyn. After grabbing a quick shower, she stayed up late with her father. She had no work tomorrow, which was fine by her. Madelyn sighed, tired and exhausted. Todd knew that sound very well as they watched the late night news. And what they saw was some strange storm clouds were reported hovering over the entire US.

'I wonder what the hell is going on,' Madelyn thought. Little did she know that she was about to find out...


The very next day, Madelyn's alarm went off. She deactivated it, went to change, and headed out to greet her Dad. Todd was already up.

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