Act III, Scene IV

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Cupid, Iris, and Madelyn were in the rocket that they, uh, borrowed and saw the Earth being transformed into metal.

Cupid clenched a fist and mumbled, "Because I lost my wand...the Earth has been turned into metal. And there is no magic left to stop him and the Darkness."

"Adam," Iris softly stated, taking his hand into hers, "You were trying to protect me... You did nothing stupid."

"Then why do I feel so bad," Cupid asked his girlfriend.

Iris answered that by giving Cupid the biggest kiss he had ever had. Madelyn smiled at this from afar and realized something.

She whispered, "Wait a damned minute here. There is magic still left in the universe! The wand on the moon! We can go there and use the wand to stop the Destructiontator and the Darkness."

She went up to the steering wheel and guided her and her fairies to the moon. They had a rather harsh landing but they made it none the less.

Iris asked Madelyn, "Okay; Chosen One. What is the plan this time?"

Madelyn answered, trying to be blunt, "I call it operation: figure out how the hell this wand works, take it back to Earth, to defeat the Destructiontator and blast the Darkness with."

"It sounds good," Cupid said, unsure.

"But it is not, so tell small fry that," said a voice.

Madelyn and her fairies spun around and saw Madison standing there.

"Madison," everyone exclaimed.

Madelyn taunted, "Wow, Madison. How's it feel having a small fry taking your thunder?"

Madison rolled her eyes and retorted, "Oh please, Turner wasn't doing a good job either at this point either. You are just full of yourself, small fry."

Madelyn gritted her teeth as she hissed, "Quit calling me that!"

"Anyways...I have learned that wand does not work in the way it is designed." Madison explained, looking at the wand.

"Let me guess, still programmed to be the light to the third wand?" Iris wagered.

"That sounds about right..." Cupid agreed.

"I have done a lot recently, small fry. And think it is my best interest to help you." Madison stated.

Madelyn made a fist as she replied, "I'm sorry but you had your chance. You left Mark and I to die on Watson World!" There was a pause of silence between the two girls. Madelyn just looked pissed at Madison's neutral reaction. "Aren't you gonna apologize for that?" She asked, huffing.

Madison answered, "I don't have to apologize to anyone. At the very least..." She paused, having walked over to Madelyn. She poked the younger girl in the chest as she added, "You. Cause to me, you are impurity, small fry."

Madison walked away from Madelyn, her back turned to her. A rookie mistake that she would quickly regret. Madelyn had enough of Madison talking down to her, treating her like shit. Madelyn was getting so mad that she didn't even see a red light coming from her hands. Iris poked Cupid, getting his attention. Cupid was just about to warn Madison but Madelyn reacted first.

"Quit calling me that!" Madelyn declared, firing a red energy beam right at the older woman.

Madison barely saw the red energy but she felt the impact of the blast. It pushed her towards a rock formation, which she had collided with. Madelyn saw what she did and gasped. She didn't know whether to be scared at her new powers - or to the fact she might have just pissed Madison off.

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