Act II, Scene V

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"Okay, just to recap," Madelyn comnented. "We have no spaceship so we can't get to the blue moon. And there is no one to help us seeing that the damned Darkness took my friends and loved ones to Abracatraz."

Mark asked, "Uh, is there anyone that hates you that can help us?"

That's when Madelyn realized something and smiled.


Down in a cave, we see a middle aged woman. She has rather thin black hair, blue eyes covered by round glasses, wearing a white blouse, a black skirt, and black shoes. She had warts on her hands.

Her name was Debbi Cobalion and she was once Madelyn's fifth grade teacher. She was crazy, trying to prove the existence of magic, like fairies.

Her and Madelyn have a history. While Madelyn was in her class, she was constantly shooting down the fact magic even exisited. Cobalion was currently eating cocktail weenies.

She commented, "Yes. After thirteen years of searching, fourteen nervous breakdowns, and four thousand cocktail weenies, it's time my magic locating scope found the legendary Fairy World!"

She looked through the scope and saw nothing but stars.

Her computer voice chirped, "Fairy World not detected."

"Curses," Debbi yelled. That's when she noticed Madelyn and Mark. She screamed surprised and defended, rather quickly, "I didn't steal anything."

That's when Mark examined her by putting one of his tentacles in her mouth, lifting her up, and then putting her down.

"Bad news," he reported. "She's not a metal suck-y bot."

"Uh...Mark," Madelyn corrected. "That's actually good news."

Cobalion saw Madelyn and asked her ex-student, "What's going on? How did you smuggle this squid in, huh?"

Madelyn answered, "Long story short, I'm being hunted by a being hunted down by a damned evil black porthole in space and need your help to get to the blue moon."

Cobalion responded, smirking a bit, "Tell me that you've seen fairies and we have a deal."

Madelyn sighed, annoyed, "I've seen fairies."

Cobalion started to yell, "No use in denying it!" She realized and added, "Oh, man. That was anti-climatic. But, I'm a woman of my word." She looked through her telescope and finished, "On my many failed attempts to find Fairy World, I did find something strange on this blue moon. Gives off a large magic reading but there was no life detected on it, as usual."

Madelyn looked through the telescope and gasped, "The star crater! That's it!" She paused and added, "I need to get that blue moon...and pretty damned fast!"

Cobalion brought out a remote and pressed a button. A rocket came up and Madelyn whistled jokingly.

Cobalion yelled, "Behold, the Cobalion rocket!"

Mark, impressed, asked, "Dudette, aren't you like a teacher? How the hell do you afford all of this stuff?"

Cobalion looked around and asked, "Remember the funds for the new school's science wing that went missing five years ago?"

Madelyn answered, an eyebrow raised, "Yeah?"

Cobalion answered simply, "You're looking at them."

Madelyn questioned, "And this will help us get to the blue moon?"

Cobalion turned to her remote and asked, "Does this answer your question?" At those words, she pressed the button and the rocket blasted off without them. Cobalion added, sheepishly, "We probably should've been on that."

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